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0 points

In order to fully comprehend the threat of gun violence in the United States in 2018, here are five shocking facts.

Three of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in modern American history have occurred in the last eight months.

It is more dangerous to be a school student than a deployed service member in 2018. You are twice as likely to be shot dead at school, than in active service.

An American woman is shot dead by her partner every 16 hours.

One in three children live in a home with a gun.

In an average day, 20 American children are shot.

With statistics like that, it’s only a matter of time until we’re covering the next horrific – yet entirely inevitable – mass shooting.

Wonder how many children will be shot today in the U S ?

0 points

I said I can pull up thousands of gang violence murders that are done with Machetes.

I never said it was in the U.S.

But you said comparing stats with other countries was ridiculous , except of course when an idiot like you tries to argue otherwise .

So where are the “thousands of machete deaths “ taking place yearly , bet you cannot answer ?

I was stating how gangs in locations that do not have access to guns operate.

Machete gangs ? You really are an idiot , ok name the countries that has machete gangs you cannot answer ?

If I was your English teacher you'd get a very low score for reading comprehension.

But you wouldn’t even make it into a junior school here such is your level of stupidity......

Regarding your own comprehension your teacher should have told you that’s meant to be were not was you dummy

1 point

I can't believe you can literally read and respond to logic and just ignore it.

But you don’t do logic , you make stuff up because of your embarrassment at the appalling gun stats for the U S , now you claim there are thousands of machete deaths in the U S yearly .....


I agree your ignorance is truly astonishing

1 point

Sigh, you miss the point entirely.

Sigh , you still won’t admit a gun is a weapon

Let's say we have 100,000 Homicides a year.

Let's say 70% of these involved a gun. So we have 70,000 Gun Homicides.

Then we waive a magic wand and all guns are gone from Society. And we look at next year.

We have 100,000 Homicides again.

But 0% involve a gun because they no longer exist! How Wonderful we stopped gun violence.

Never-mind that we actually made 0 progress. We can use words in ways that make us sound smart. "We stopped all gun violence in 1 year by eliminating all guns!"

Guns are not the problem.

Guns are a problem especially for Americans , so here’s the deal guns are the problem otherwise they wouldn’t call them gun deaths /accidents ....... Tricky stuff but hey you may work it out yet

If people are committing suicide and you don't like it. Don't take away the gun, find out why they are committing suicide and resolve that.

Ah right you do like it ? Find out why but let them have their guns in the meantime ?

Taking the gun away doesn't resolve the issue.

If you have constant gang wars, yes that is a problem that needs to be solved, but I can easily pull up thousands of videos of people being hacked to death with Machetes in places where guns are hard to get.

Really , thousands of machete deaths in the U S yearly wow !

Taking the gun away doesn't resolve the issue.

Well maybe get rid of machetes as well ?

If you have school shootings, taking away the gun does not stop bombings, or stabbings, or help the actual issue that we have people that want to commit such acts.

Taking the gun away doesn't resolve the issue.

That was my point.

Thank you for confirming you Americans would kill and maim each other’s with just about anything

1 point

Weapons are Tools.

Using American speak yes , but the rest of us call guns weapons

I'm also tired of people stating "Gun Deaths" as if these exist on their own.

Who said they exist on their own ? They don’t happen in civilized countries mostly can you guess why ? Because we don’t have guns

you should never compare "Gun Deaths" in one country to another country.

I know because your country is more violent than most

You should compare "Homicides". Who cares what item was used to kill the other person, the bad thing is that a person was murdered.

Well Americans don’t care if you had no guns you would have no gun deaths , why are you not mentioning the 70,000 accidents a year and school shootings?

It is your opinion that we have an embarrassing amount of gun death.

Most non Americans agree with me , it’s your opinion there’s no problem

If you eliminate suicides and gangs we have an incredibly small amount.

If , If ........

2 points

Outlaw I said from the off they’re designed to kill othwise them wild hogs you shoot wouldn’t end up on a plate

-1 points

As always, control fanatics like you do not care about saving lives, you just want to take our guns.

I know terrible isn’t it “fanatics “ like me think 30,000 to 40,000 gun deaths a year are appalling add on 70,000 odd gun accidents , schools shootings etc, etc, and Americans think it’s something to be proud off , sure idiots like you go to church and console yourself that “ Hey Jesus would have carried a gun “ ....... How are you so fucked in the head ?

0 points

Spoken like a true American, yous are the only people who call a gun a “tool “ such is your desperation and embarrassment at the staggering gun death /accident numbers yearly .....

I wonder what you definition of a gun is ? Let me help ......





a weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force, typically making a characteristic loud, sharp noise.

synonyms: firearm, weapon;

Ouch 🙀

1 point

Where did I say guns are evil , I said they’re designed to kill you agree yet you dispute and downvote me ..... strange

By the way a gun is not a “tool “

3 points

Oh do shut up you idiotic brute , a gun is designed to kill you fucking half - wit a car is designed to transport people , goods etc car deaths are accidental gun deaths are mostly not .

The hilarious thing is you claim to be a “Christian “ and idiots like you actually think if Jesus roamed the earth today he would carry a gun ...... Ignore

2 points

But the purpose of a gun is to kill otherwise it’s not worth having is it ?

1 point

My mother shared her pussy with me before she bit the dust.

Tasted like chicken as I recall.

Oooookay and you’re telling me this why ?

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