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Diluck's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Diluck's arguments, looking across every debate.
9 points

That point of view is very scary. You think the government should be able to control your personal life even when your minding your own business and hurting no one. And yet also allow big corporations to push substances more deadly than marijuana on consumers (Alcohol, Tobacco, Prescription Drugs).

Legalization is about the fact that a person should have the right to privacy and the choice to live their lives how they see fit as long as they hurt no one else. Consider the fact that prescription drugs have become the number one killer in these recent years. People are going to get high off what is available; why restrict them to things that are more dangerous. And why criminalize people who choose to use natural herbs instead of stuff created in laboratories.

Last I checked America was a country of liberty and freedom; but I guess that doesn't mean the same thing in this last century. The founding fathers didn't want to have some central government dictating the citizen's daily lives. It is supposed to be a government by the people and for the people. And most importantly under the law of the constitution. People don't want anything they don't deserve; they only want the one thing supposedly guaranteed in this country; Freedom.

Now if you think its mindless self indulgence to want freedom than you must be a fascist or a communist or maybe just confused and controlled; regardless I pity you.

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