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Esperanza's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Esperanza's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Japan will not admit defeat unless America goes full force and shows that Japan can not win the war they started.

2 points

"the unconditional surrender of japan is as essential as the defeat of Germany...if our plans for would peace are to succeed.For Japanese military be wiped out as thoroughly as German militarism."

President Roosevelt,March 1,1945

5 points

Japanese not japs Robert stop being racists dont forget to cite dude

2 points

An invasion of japan would have cause casualties on both sides that could easily have exceeded the tool of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.Considering that the war has already resulted in more the 50 million deaths world wide the use of an atomic bomb hardly represents an escalation in the level of violence.The Japanese army And even its civilians will continue to fight barbarically with the aim of killing as many Americans as possible.

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