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Fiora(46) Clarified
1 point

I'll let you know when your opinion matters to me.

What makes you think what matters to you matters to me?

Most of the time I feel you're either lying or stupid

Excuse me but I'm a bit confused...You sounded like you where about to make a statement about me but you then proceeded to describe yourself.

it's getting tiring to see you play nice with me like right now and next minute telling me a ton of insults and how you want to kill me.

Yes that's totally what I do. Kind of like how you say I'm your favorite member of the site and then call me an arrogant autistic dick hole who deserves to die. And speaking of arrogant who was it that claimed they where the greatest genius in history again? Literally everything you say about me is actually a description of yourself.

2 points

I will admit that you have much better taste in rap than him. Although your taste is still bizarre in many ways.

Fiora(46) Clarified
1 point


It's a scientific fact that you are a polish atheist who's ancestors named themselves Jews after the religion they practiced. There is no logical scientific reason you should associate yourself with a set of superstitious beliefs that where made up by desert nomads that you barely have any genetic relation to 6000 years ago.

1 point

Nahhh.. My DNA says I AM a Jew.

Your DNA tells you you're from poland. It's SOCIETY that told you you're a Jew because you are a special type of white person who's ancestors decided to follow the religion of the Hebrew Israelites, who no longer exist as an ethnic group.

I've shown you that actual result done by actual scientists..

Science didn't name your ethnic group Jews, The actual Jews you are descended from who practiced Judaism named it Jews.

By the way.. We agree, of course, that DNA cannot test for religion.

Then shut up.

It tests for ETHNICITY/RACE..

Then why do you call yourself a Jew just because your ancestors unscientifically named their ethnic group after the RELIGION they converted to. RACIALLY you are mostly POLISH and the actual HEBREWS would have considered the vast majority of your ancestry to be INFIDELS and SAVAGES.

Why are you afraid to admit that Jews are a race??

You are not a fucking Hebrew, you are a European atheist associating yourself with the religious cult of an extinct group of semitic tribes.

I guess science just isn't your thing..

Science says excon is mostly polish

Excon says excon is a Hebrew because his ancestors converted to a religion.

Science and excon just don't mix.

1 point


You are but a single fibre in my grand and illustrious fabric. You are but a single hair on my head. You are but a single cell in my body.

1 point

Chosen to ascend ? I know as thats what dead means .... lifeless do you get me ?

It is you who does not get me. You are only experiencing a small glimmer of my true light, child. Can you not feel me all around you?

Even if there was an afterlife I would prefer oblivion otherwise I would be surrounded by idiots like you preaching all fucking day long

You cannot escape your fate, at least you have embraced it.

1 point


How will any of this help you when you leave your physical body? Your consciousness will fade like letters in the sand as the tide of death comes upon you and all you will leave behind is the echo of your own ignorance. You will not be chosen to ascend.

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