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1 point

Honestly, I hate ranting around with devoted christians too much because it all ends up pretty much the same as it begun, as it's kind of the same as talking to a door... The door doesn't assimilate anything I say. But even so, maybe because I'm really dumb I still feel compelled to say something when I read something as absurd as what you have posted right there...

I will give you the dumb part of the argument. You may take ownership of that fact.

First, I'm more inclined to believe that your brain is the one that's a mess. Why? Read your words carefully. Well, you say the same as every other christian does, which is nothing, really.

Why is the concept of resurrection so hard for you to understand? You can die completely like what you and most atheists believe. Jesus did die on the cross. He was dead in every sense of the word. I think at this point you fail to fully grasp the concept. On the third day after His death He resurrected Himself. Your response would be "how could he do that if He was dead?" It's because of His omnipresence that He rose again. Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit are all one. Jesus who is God in the flesh can die for our sins. The Holy Spirit which is still God can resurrect Jesus.

Whether or not you believe in this occurrence it is still a concept that can be easily understood. If you can't grasp the concept of the Triune God then perhaps I then am the one who is talking to the door.

Man... make a decision there. He cannot be alive if he gave his life. Or he cannot have given his life if he's alive.

I already explained this above. You need to understand the Trinity.

But anyhow, no one has ever seen him, unless you count those freaks that think they are Jesus. Don't you think that's kinda strange? Oh, wait, I know, you'll tell me he's alive in spirit or in some invisible form or whatever the hell you can remember this time, like all christians do.

Actually if you read the gospels you will see that over five hundred witnesses saw the risen Christ. And no living man has ever seen God's image. That's why God came in the flesh as Jesus.

I really don't want to seem insulting or anything of that sort, even though I may fail at it

Your smarmy attitude reveals the answer to all i.e. like talking to a door.

it kinda freaks me out how you people can be so easily persuaded by such fairytaleish...

I love when atheist's make themselves look stupid. You consider the Bible a fairytale, when you have no way to disprove its accounts or witnesses. That's what it boils down to is your arbitration. You have no facts to discredit what the Bible says yet your only defense is your opinion.

Each one to his own, but you could try listening to yourself and think a bit.

Take heed of your own advice there.

1 point

If it worked the way that you were implying, we would have died out a long time ago, as each generation would have whatever amount of telomeres their parent's gametes had left over and no more. This would also imply that the children of people who have children in their 30s and 40s should have, on average, shorter lives than the children of people who had kids in their teens or 20s. Or that the younger of kids born ten years apart should have a shorter lifespan than than their older sibling. Yet this doesn't happen.

Like I said at the end of my post that the telomeres have stabilized at their current state. What I was demonstrating to you is that the telomeres must have been longer to start with in the past.

These medicines don't treat the telomeres

I never said they did please read more carefully.

just diseases which are a totally separate entity.

That's how we combat there effects. The shorter telomeres leave us susceptible to diseases and hinder our cells from properly replicating therefore can cause death i.e. cancer.

I can't believe I have to tell you this, but cloning is not the same thing as sexual reproduction.

I never said it was, I cited the cloning experiments to show you how we discovered the telomeres shrink within the lifetime of the subject. This was to prove that telomeres shrink.

Actually, a couple dozen Sumerian King Lists have shown up. None are identical. How do we know which, if any are the true account?

Do you understand why we cite things? I was showing you that other civilizations claimed to have long life spans. Since you made the false assumption that no other civilization believed in longer lives then we know today. I refuted your claim that is what we do here.

I never claimed the Sumerians had it right. But they also were aware of the Genesis account. Therefore you false assumption is invalid.

Only in the same way that Star Trek is more realistic than Star Wars.

Now I know where your intellectual litmus test lies.

This would also imply that the children of people who have children in their 30s and 40s should have, on average, shorter lives than the children of people who had kids in their teens or 20s

You are speaking of rapid degeneration here. I have not made that claim at all. You are drawing to false conclusions here.

1 point

Not exactly "every bit the same genetic material as humans today."

Telomeres are comprised of the same material now as they were back then. The only change here is there length. Therefore it is still the same genetic material just shorter!!

The fact that our telomeres decay faster during replication only proves we come from the same pair of humans. As the human population expanded the replication of DNA continues to "decay" at a faster rate. We have only combated this through modern medicine to treat diseases. If not our life expectancy would be much shorter. If our telomeres were the exact length they are now then humans without modern medicine would have died out possibly hundreds of years before our time.

We see the effects of telomeres "shortening" through genetic cloning. The adult DNA is dramatically shorter then a child's. This is why clones don't live very long. But make no mistake it is still the same material and composition.

Also why don't all the other societies from around 6,000 years ago (yes there were several) have stories of 900 year olds running around all throughout their legends?

"Extrabiblical evidence to support the long life spans of the people in Genesis is found in the Sumerian King List. This list mentions a flood and gives the length of the reigns of kings before and after a flood. There are many striking parallels between the Sumerian King List and Genesis, such as a flood event, numerical parallels between the pre-Flood biblical patriarchs and the antediluvial kings, and a substantial decrease in life span of people following the flood.2 One author on this subject concludes, “It is highly unlikely that the biblical account was derived from the Sumerian in view of the differences of the two accounts, and the obvious superiority of the Genesis record both in numerical precision, realism, completion, and moral and spiritual qualities.”2 It is more likely that the Sumerian King List was composed using Genesis for numerical information. Obviously, the Book of Genesis would only be used if the person writing the list believed it to be a true historical account containing accurate information."

Our telomeres appear to have been somewhat stabilized at this point. Either way we have evidence of rapid decay.

0 points

First I would like to say, Wow!! Your brain is a mess. The massive oversimplification in your statement is astounding.

The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie...

A zombie is still dead correct? Through some fictional virus the body is able to function but the person is still dead. Do I have this understanding correct of your mythical correlation? Jesus Christ is alive in every sense. His flesh is as alive as it was before His Crucifixion.

who was his own father...

This is made clear through the Trinity. Three consciences in one being. These are not separate entities.

symbolically eat his flesh...

It is the acceptance of His suffering on our behalf.

telepathically tell him you accept him as your master...

God is omnipresent and therefore talking to Him is like talking with someone in the room with you. Don't reduce it to mysticism.

remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity

There is no evil force. There is only the punishment for sin. His law states we must die for our evil acts. Jesus (God in flesh) gave His life on the cross for our sins. His resurrection was the proof that He is stronger then sin and death.

because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

Eve was made from Adam's rib this is correct. That tree was the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. You are trying to discount the occurrences here by oversimplifying what happened.

1 point

Well apes and monkeys are part of the same super group. Either way there is no evidence for humans descending from either family. Look at the fossils you have apes or you have humans. There is no transitionary form.

1 point

Even so, we did have tails at some point in our evolutionary history.

What evidence do you cite for this claim? I hope you are not using the embryotic tail of a human fetus. Because we all know that is the remnants of the sperm tail. So I hope you have some better evidence.

1 point

There are many scientific evidences that show that we had evolved from apes such as their fossils from the past.

The fossil record shows no such occurrence. We have apes and we have humans no transitions.

As for the belief that we are all born from Adam and Eve, there is no evidence supporting it other than the bible and old wives tales where most had already been proven untrue

So you discount the Bible? A historical record of eyewitness testimony over thousands of years of data. You would follow a evolutionist who concludes his theories through assumption rather then observance.

By your logic perhaps you do belong in the ape column. We humans use reasoning and logic. I would rather follow eyewitness accounts then baseless assumptions.

1 point

God did create us and all other creatures. I urge you not to be fooled by evolutionists we are the same DNA now that we were back then. Don't take mistaken knowledge of variety over evolution.

1 point

That's right Adam and Eve the first two people. And they were every bit the same genetic material as humans today.

0 points

Exactly, nothing exists before the Creator. Also those amino acids couldn't develop the complexity of the human genome without God.

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