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This personal waterfall shows you all of JBXXX's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Separated...Absolutely, and we'll see which side prospers. Have fun living with people who don't believe in science and who can't think for themselves. Because Hitler has anything to do with Atheism?...

1 point

sick bro, you must be a total badass. Don't let people you don't like know that you don't like them, you'll come out on top in the long run.

1 point

My answer is no because if someone has i don't give a shit, i encourage everyone to live this way because if you care about this kind of thing then i can see why you've been defriended.

1 point

I don't know whats lamer, you knowing this thing exists or the fact you sent it to me. Don't send me your nerd games

1 point

No, you don't just put a link to something as an argument. And i'm not liberal, proving your theory is unsurprisingly something you pulled out of your ass. Put the kids in an orphanange, then who pays for them there? The government. and we're no better of than we were before. Good job thinking that one out. Any other ideas you'd like for me to tell you why they're in fact stupid.

I see you stopped voting your own arguments, good job listening for once.

2 points

Your little plan is retarded and I explained why, I guess you can't read. What happens when someone with 10 kids doesn't have time to work when they are a single mom in the ghetto, they all starve to death or start dealing drugs...nice plan. The government doesn't invest in things, much less it's own people. If 20% never make it does that mean 80% do, thats an extremely high success rate; why would we change it to your awful plan where they are indentured servants. And who keeps track of whether people are working hard or working at all and not just cheating the system. God your an idiot. You hope I learned something? What could I possibly learn from that statement you wrote. And no I didn't bother going to your link, I don't care what someone else has to say; you're supposed to summarize it, not the reader.

1 point

You're a fucking do you not see the horribly obvious flaws in your impossible plan thats unimplementable and would never work.

An intelligent person employs CRITICAL thinking when writing. It shouldn't be the readers job to have to tell you why you're wrong. That just shows your stupid if you can't do it on your own. Now i have to go out of my way to prove you're incompetent. Rather than waste any more time ill just put it in bullet form, since writing a piece on it would just be a huge waste of everyones time.

1) Keep your feelings to yourself, it's not simple so don't try and persuade anybody by just telling them; especially when it's not. We'll be the judge of it's simplicity after we finish reading your explanation.

2) These are uneducated people with uneducated kids and uneducated parents, expecting them to adhere to a formulated plan is TOO MUCH.

3) They get x amount of money for y amount of time...What is x, what is y, where does this money come from. If they are working a job now they must be making more than welfare pays people to sit on their ass, so this would automatically be more expensive than welfare.

4) If we are to have x, y, and z for jobs do we have a little chart with pre determined values for every single job in existence, or is this just a shitty version of Communism and everyone gets paid the same no matter what they do.

5) If you pay people x amount of money for y amount of time, then they just sit on their ass and make money and nothing gets done, NEGATING any incentive to work harder or be more productive.

6) Maintaining a C average might seem easy to you, but in ghetto areas teachers aren't very good/smart, parents likely didn't go to school and the kids likely don't give a shit. Unless Z amount of money is a shit load of money the kids would much rather do what they want then to study. Subsidizing kids to do well in school is would have to do it for everyone...TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS YOU STUPID FAGGOT

7) And if they have to pay it back, THEY WOULDN'T DO IT. Who the fuck is going to work for money they will just have to pay back, BUT O WAIT THEY GET AN INCLUDED EDUCATION... WHAT A DEAL. Go into the hood and propose this to the people; you'll just get robbed for the money in your pocket.

And stop giving yourself a "up" vote on your own postings you nerd

3 points

How is living like shit on 10,000 dollars a year not an incentive to better themselves? I don't think any of them are sitting there like man this is great, we don't have to do shit and we get a check in the mail; life is great. Its more "economical" to just give them money to survive on which they will just feed back into the system, rather than to provide them this magical help you speak of.

You say "The type of help we should be providing would give them incentive to improve themselves"...thats a real nice theory, maybe you'd like to join us in the real world, what exactly are you referring to as the "type" of help we should be providing.

3 points

Thats just flat out wrong. If you wrote that on an economics exam you would get a zero, this isn't an opinion issue. Giving welfare to the rich so they can become that a serious point? Then they buy a new speed boat or more stock in a company and the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. You can't have uneducated people just starving to death rotting in the ghettos, welfare is meant to get them back on their feet, just like project housing. How they choose to use the money is up to them, if they don't want to better their lives and just sit on 10,000 dollars a year living in hell, so be it; thats just an imperfection of the system. Its not perfect but its better than ideas such as yours where the wealth isn't distributed and then people resort to crime or revolt. You can't just enslave the lower class and expect to live in a civil society.

2 points

Welfare is one of the simplest of economic policies. While you might not like it because it enables uneducated people to sit on their ass and make babies, stop being jealous it's not that big of a deal. Anyone who gets a welfare check spends that money immediately and generates revenue for whatever product they bought, and sales tax for the state they bought it in. It's not like they won the lotto and are getting a check in the mail and putting it in the bank.

2 points

You mean thats what a human said god said. Everything you've been taught has been written by humans and taught by humans.

2 points

The only issue is the safety of sex. If you are safe and know your partner remaining a virgin to marriage is for child molestors and gays to preach about and appear as if they are for some reason better people than the rest of us.

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