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Kittiana's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kittiana's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I do get what you mean, I just don't agree. Life is full of many lessons, not just one.

1 point

I refuse to even confront mine, so if you'd like to call that "snuggling" so be it.

2 points

I judge, much of the time, just not in way most would think.

Judge of character, not judging based on my ego.

I also judge distance, time, and events that I believe to be happening.

I hardly judge a person I hardly know, more or less ones I take the time to know, based on the circumstance. But most of the time I take the saying "it is what is" and apply it myself.

I wouldnt like to be judged by someone that hardly knows me especially negatively unless that person is trying to analyze characteristics with knowing and experiencing, not the ego.

1 point

It's a natural phenomenon.

How do you think Mars got dried up?

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