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Larchmont's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Larchmont's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

You know what. You're right! I'm happy to admit when someone makes a good point.

1 point

You could extend that idea to debating in general. I don't think internet debate sites suffer from this problem anymore than any other platforms for debate.

1 point

There is nothing inappropriate about homosexuality. It's natural.

3 points

If that's a statistic, then I have a number of arguments against it. Although my main counter argument to your point is that even if this were true, how does this relate to the stance against homosexuals being allowed to adopt?

1 point

What makes a homosexual perverted and why shouldn't they be tolerated without shame or penalty? Being homosexual is natural.

2 points

Your personal disgust at homosexuality doesn't relate to the argument of gay people being allowed to adopt, whilst your view that homosexuality is a mental problem is simply wrong. I'd like to know how you define mental problems.

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