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LizziexLaura's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of LizziexLaura's arguments, looking across every debate.

It is a weird fact a kid told me one day.

A dirty mind? No. It is just a fun fact.

I heard that if yiu kick somebody in their well taint, gooch, perineum, or whatever you want to call it they will poop themselves.

Lol it may. I think it would be incredibly awesome to have glasses of that nature though.

What is the liberal agenda?

In someĀ instancesĀ paramedics may be able to revive the person, so they may live to die again. Thus living twice.

Does "nothing" technically count as "something"?

Is there no answer? Because you arent making any new statements or answering the question.

LizziexLaura(4278) Clarified
1 point

What started the first steps of life? What created earth and the sun and the moon and the stars?

Only one eternal creator.

I simply stated in multiple arguments that something must start creation.

What started evolution?

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