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This personal waterfall shows you all of NuclearFish's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

American Revolution: Correct.

War of 1812: Independence again...

Mexican-American War: Territories/Manifest Destiny

Civil War: Depends on the side you're on.

Spanish-American War: Territories/Imperialism

WWI: Fought to bring peace... I never said President Wilson was right to say it.

WWII: We were bombed...

Korea/Vietnam: Correct.

Gulf War: Correct.

Iraq: Correct, though debatable.

This operates under the assumption that we don't have the means to distribute resources adequately. That's a 20th Century lie. In the late 20th Century, mankind became capable of adequately feeding its entire populace. This prosperity transitioned into every aspect needed to sustain society, all except oil. Even George Orwell acknowledged this (I should also note that he, Eric Blair, was a socialist).

Unless the GOP can rally a condensed base, this may not be true.

I dunno, could be the horrendously, misconceived, and distorted double-standard here. Maybe I'm just crazy like all the other Liberals who hate America.

I'm confused. How can Conservatives call Liberals out for harping on Political Correctness on this one? Isn't the entire point of opposing it because "it's offensive?"

...and then doom the entire planet in the process. Smart idea.

2 points

Coming from a Christian Liberal, no. I should also like to note that Hitler was Conservative... National Socialism was not his idea, it was a name he took and corrupted even further than it already was. Either way, politics isn't even the point here. The point is, no group is entirely wrong or entirely useless. I'm a firm believer that it takes all kinds (and any self-respecting Conservative, Liberal, Believer, or Atheist should hold that view) and that everyone has something to offer this world. Even then, anyone who wants to eradicate the opposition as opposed to turning them to your opinion has it wrong.

2 points

This piece is written with illogical assumptions about liberal beliefs- like absolutes. Open your mind to a wider margin of thinking for a moment and you'll find that most liberals don't believe "someone should pay for" everything. Liberals believe it is the duty of the state to help its people. What else does it exist for? If it was defense alone, it would be a military rule. Sure Conservatives tend to lower taxes, but they still come in. Collected taxes, no matter how small, is a lot of money. Where does the money go if not to social programs focused on helping the people?

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