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Oceaneer's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Oceaneer's arguments, looking across every debate.
-7 points
1 point

What do you think Defense is then?

I don't think it's the same thing as attack. Attack is an antonym of defence. It means the literal opposite thing.

1 point

Either way, him disagreeing with you doesn't mean that he denies science or hates Jews. Also, how is he a science denier?

He's been disproved by the science, which is why he always falls back to the repetition of baseless smear attacks. He can't face the fact that his claims were disproved. It's pathetic.

1 point

It literally says "neo-Nazi" in the link.

Wtf bro? Neo-Nazis are obviously Nazis. It isn't a different ideology just because it has the word "neo" in front of it.

Neo-Nazism consists of post-World War II militant social or political movements seeking to revive and implement the ideology of Nazism.

1 point

You are an Ashkenazi Jew, not a Hebrew. That means your DNA is that of a polish european who's ancestors converted to a religion. Therefor you are retarded, because you associate yourself with Israel when you're from poland, you associate yourself with a religion when you're an atheist, and you call yourself "God's chsen people" when you're not an Israelite.

Thanks dude. I'm getting sick of correcting his fallacies and being met with a wall of smear attacks in response. Your post sums it up perfectly. It's not worth the effort of disproving somebody who point blank refuses to accept that he's wrong. Let's just downvote him in future.

2 points


I personally flail myself every time I take the lord's name in vain. I go full Opus Dei. Hence, I question your commitment.

1 point

Nazis died out in the 1940s

We must be imagining this then:-

2 points

Hello anti-Semite

Does it even register with you on any level that you are not a Semite?

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