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RayzenBran's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of RayzenBran's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

If you look at hairstyles from Atlanta, you will get even weirder/extravagent styles. Blacks and Asians arent too far from each other lol

1 point

Typical disneyfairytale girl answer. If you were 50 years old, 500 lbs and you stunk, I HIGHLY doubt any man is going to be with you JUST for you being you.

1 point

You should grow up and realize the needs men have before they begin to look elsewhere. Don't ever think your man is going to only bang you if/when you want to.

2 points

"You're really bad at staying in the Kitchen"

"You're bad at allowing other women in the relationship"

1 point

Why arent you being true to yourself then? With my girl now, I don't have to fake it. If im lasting more than 1hour, she may tap out(Too much of that swangwangwang). I don't have a problem with saying "Nah babe, im in forever mode" or "gimmie 5 to let my dick cool down"

2 points

Agree 100%.

If I have to fight my genes telling me to bang every woman i see, then you have to assist me with that fight by putting out and making sure I do not CHOOSE to go elsewhere.

Isn't sex the best way people bond? Don't give me that fairytale stuff either. If my mind is blown sexually, you become much more enjoyable to be around.

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