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This personal waterfall shows you all of RogueTurk's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Agreed. I believe they can build their mosque anywhere they want, but not here. It is sad that it will be built regardless of what the rest of America believes.

1 point

While I believe the mosque should not be located on or near the new Trade Center, I do not believe in burning it down.

While I believe in all personal freedoms, I also believe there are principals that must be upheld. This is one of them. In no way should the mosque be allowed to be established in the proposed location. This would be a slap in the face of every American. A major atrocity took place in our country and at that location and letting someone create a mosque there is deplorable.

What this does show is the liberal beliefs that are in control of this country and especially the northeast. 3,000 Americans were killed in a matter of seconds in the name of muslim (sic) jihad and our powers that be will just allow them to create something in the ashes of our disaster? Sad much like many other decisions made in this country.

2 points

Ah, yet another mix of church and state.

If marriage is such a religious rite then why are so many men paying alimony and child support? Does the church demand that? Did God twirl his finger (he does have fingers, right?) and use his tremendous powers to garnish wages from paychecks for that alimony and child support?

First, understand that marriage in this country has become more of a government allowance and legal contract rather than a religious rite. Yes, many couples are married under religious ceremony but that is only AFTER going to the municipal town hall and applying for a marriage license. What they don't tell you when you apply for this license is that you just signed a binding contract recognized my the government court of law. The religious ceremony is just a by-product. That is why you can go to town hall and get married with no problem but few, if any, religious institutions will marry you without a completed, approved marriage license signed off by the government. Even if a priest, rabbi, etc. will marry you without a marriage license you couldn't have any of the "benefits" (if you want to call them that) of that marriage. You wouldn't be legally married for tax purposes (don't even get me started on that) nor would you be able to be listed on your "spouse's" medical coverage. Then the divorce. Anyone who has gone through it will be able to tell you just how much of a legal contract it really is. The lawyer fees and legal documents easily show a link to the government.

Unfortunately the water is too muddy in this debate. Anyone should be allowed to marry but there should be a division of church and state. There should be legal marriage and religious marriages with neither being seen as one and the same.

2 points

Why is it that any time a popular president starts to fail the blame goes to something else?

Obama is FAILING! His own political party even sees it! Now is the time he and all of his voters stand up and take some responsibility for his inability to lead properly.

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