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1 point

What would I ask?

Hmm....first of all, I would bitch slap him (or her) and ask....

"Where the fuck you been, you pansy ass coward? You have continually let millions of your so-called "children" suffer and die. Especially the ones who were stupid enough to worship you and pray top you. Satan has jobbed you on a daily basis. You suck. Nothing more than an absentee landlord.

Now go ahead and send me to hell, or strike me down with brimstone or whatever. That is, if you have the sack!

What do ya think? Too much?



2 points

Yeah...we sorta noticed that.

There are only a handful of true debaters on this entire site. Myself included.


1 point

Religious delusions

How common are religious delusions found among persons with psychotic disorders? Prevalence rates depend on the particular psychotic disorder and the location in the world where the person lives. In less religious areas of the world, for example, one study showed that only 7% of 324 Japanese inpatients had delusions of persecution and religious guilt (Tateyama et al., 1998). This rate is similar to those from a nation-wide study of hospitalized patients with schizophrenia in Japan involving 429 patients, where the prevalence of religious delusions was 11% (Kitamur et al., 1998).

In the United States, a number of studies have examined religious delusions in patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. The first of these reported results of a small study of 41 psychotic patients in New York City, finding that 39% of those with schizophrenia and 22% of those with mania had religious delusions (Cothran & Harvey, 1986). In a much larger study of 1,136 psychiatric inpatients in the mid-western and eastern United States, 25% of patients with schizophrenia and 15% of those with bipolar disorder had religious delusions (Appelbaum et al., 1999). Compared to other delusions, religious delusions appeared to be held with greater conviction than other delusions. Finally, Getz and colleagues (2001) compared the frequency of religious delusions across religious denomination in 133 inpatients (74% schizophrenia) at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. Religious delusions were documented in 24% of 33 non-religious patients, 43% of 71 Protestant patients, and 21% of 29 Catholic patients.

In Europe and Great Britain, one study of 251 inpatients with schizophrenia in Austria and Germany reported a prevalence rate of 21% for religious delusions (Tateyama et al., 1998). One of the most detailed studies to date from Great Britain found that 24% of 193 patients with schizophrenia had religious delusions (Siddle et al., 2002a). Patients with religious delusions had more severe hallucinations and bizarre delusions, had poorer functioning, a longer duration of illness, and were taking more anti-psychotic medication than other patients. Thus, in studies of patients with schizophrenia, religious delusions are present in 7-11% of Japanese patients, 21-24% of Western European patients, and 21-43% of patients in the United States.

A few studies have also examined religious delusions among psychiatric patients in Brazil. Nucci and Dalgalarrondo report a series of eye enucleation in six cases of psychiatric patients, five unilateral and one bilateral enucleation (Mucci & Dalgalarrondo, 2000). Religious delusions were a significant factor in many of these cases, with patients following Matthew 5:29 – "If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell." These patients often had an acute exacerbation of schizophrenia, and the self-inflicted enucleation occurred many years after the beginning of illness. Six cases were seen within a 10-year period at a Brazilian university hospital.

In the only systematic study of psychiatric patients conducted thus far in Brazil, researchers examined 200 consecutive admissions to a general psychiatric hospital (Dantas et al., 1999). To identify religious content, an item was added to the BPRS-extended form. Patients with all psychiatric diagnoses were included, not just those with psychotic disorders. Investigators report that 15.7% of all patients had moderate to intense symptoms of religious content. A strong correlation was found between manic symptoms and religious experiences.

What is the origin of religious delusions? Religious delusions exist on a continuum between the normal beliefs of healthy individuals and the fantastic beliefs of the psychotic patients. In psychotic patients, religious delusions are usually accompanied by other symptoms and/or behaviors of mental illness, and do not appear to serve any positive function (Siddle et al., 2002a). Persons with psychotic symptoms are known to have increased activation of the right brain hemisphere, which is also found in healthy persons having mystical experiences or paranormal beliefs (Lohr & Caligiuri, 1997; Pizzagalli et al., 2000; Makarec & Persinger, 1985). However, attempts to locate the origin of religious delusions in the brain have not revealed findings that are consistent with neuroimaging research described above. The only study to date, to my knowledge, suggested that religious delusions result from a combination of over-activity of the left temporal lobe and under-activity of the left occipital lobe (Puri et al., 2001). Thus, until more research is done, the neuroanatomical origin of religious delusions remains uncertain.

(re-printed from an article on religious delusions from the American Journal of Psychiatry)......

1 point brought up old Sarah Silverman.

She reminds me a lot of my wife, who is also a Jewish American Princess. LOL

I soooo want to bang Sarah right in her skinny little tight ass.

I bet she's a screamer. Big time.

I hear she also digs ffm threesomes.



1 point's beginning to look as if Trump will probably have to withdraw as the GOP candidate. He is self-destructing worse and worse every day. Last night's debate proved there is no way in Hell this idiot can ever by President.

Mark my words...he will go down in history as a joke. They'll probably even invent a term after him, like "Trumpian" for when some future candidate says something totally outlandish that proves him to be unworthy of office.

This is how insanely bad Trumpy is. Among his gaffs Sunday night....

suggesting that as president he would jail his opponent; defend Vladimir Putin and Russia over the hacking of the U.S. election;

praise brutal Syrian tyrant Bashar Assad;

admit to not paying federal income tax; and rebuke his own running mate for daring to criticize Russia over the indiscriminate bombing of Syrian civilians.

That's a very partial list.

Trump also lied with enthusiastic regularity, again saying he opposed the second Iraq war before it started (he didn't), claimed his opponent would jack up the tax rate on the middle class (she says she won't) and protested that he did not Tweet at 3 a.m. that people should check out a sex tape featuring a former Miss Universe (he did).

And never mind that Trump spent the first portion of the debate apologizing for a video leaked over the weekend in which he grotesquely bragged about his ability to commit sexual assault because he's a "star." Diving deeply into the gutter, Trump tried to turn the video into a bizarre bank shot attack on Clinton by bringing to the debate women who claim former President Bill Clinton sexually abused them.

Wow...what a douche bag. I will be happy when he resigns soon. I am guessing in about two weeks or so.

Remember where you heard it.

0 points's beginning to look as if Trump will probably have to withdraw as the GOP candidate. He is self-destructing worse and worse every day. Last night's debate proved there is no way in Hell this idiot can ever by President.

Mark my words...he will go down in history as a joke. They'll probably even invent a term after him, like "Trumpian" for when some future candidate says something totally outlandish that proves him to be unworthy of office.

This is how insanely bad Trumpy is. Among his gaffs Sunday night....

suggesting that as president he would jail his opponent; defend Vladimir Putin and Russia over the hacking of the U.S. election;

praise brutal Syrian tyrant Bashar Assad;

admit to not paying federal income tax; and rebuke his own running mate for daring to criticize Russia over the indiscriminate bombing of Syrian civilians.

That's a very partial list.

Trump also lied with enthusiastic regularity, again saying he opposed the second Iraq war before it started (he didn't), claimed his opponent would jack up the tax rate on the middle class (she says she won't) and protested that he did not Tweet at 3 a.m. that people should check out a sex tape featuring a former Miss Universe (he did).

And never mind that Trump spent the first portion of the debate apologizing for a video leaked over the weekend in which he grotesquely bragged about his ability to commit sexual assault because he's a "star." Diving deeply into the gutter, Trump tried to turn the video into a bizarre bank shot attack on Clinton by bringing to the debate women who claim former President Bill Clinton sexually abused them.

Wow...what a douche bag. I will be happy when he resigns soon. I am guessing in about two weeks or so.

Remember where you heard it.

2 points


This video only confirms what I have suspected for a long time now.

That the majority of religious zealots are in fact, suffering from borderline--if not full-on--psychotic delusions.

They need medication.

NOT more wallowing in superstitious delusion.

May they some day get the help they need.

I bet if you looked at their past childhood histories, you would find that the majority of them have suffered from some sort of psychological and/or emotional trauma. Like abusive parents; daddies who paid them those late-night bedroom visits...whatever.

So sad.


1 point

Well, that video is obviously doctored so I don't know what the fuck that shadow thing was, or was supposed to be. And of course it offers to me not a whit of evidence about an afterlife. (of which there is none, btw).

But, as a motorcycle rider what I find interesting is the actions of the rider in the video. Seems like he had plenty of time to swerve to his right, thus going behind the truck that turned left in front of him. I think he fucked up. Probably going too fast. An unsafe rider.

FWIW....almost half of all motorcycle accidents are caused by that same scenario, that is, a vehicle turning left in front of the bike, so the bike t-bones the vehicle and the rider either flies over it or smashed into the side.

This is why when I am approaching an intersection with vehicles waiting to turn left in front of me, I do not take it for granted they will wait for me, or that they even see me. Rather, I have my right hand on the front brakes (which provide about 70% of a bike's stopping power) and I am ready to stop if need be. And I check my rearview to see if I have a clear evasion lane to either side, if need be.

This is called being an expert rider.


1 point

First...who the fuck is Joe Cavalry?

Second....I only agree with the first of your three campaign promises.

SlapShot for Prez.

Vote for me, or your a Lez, and you don't get any free Pez!

This is what I sez!

And I don't even wear a fez.


1 point

Medically true, Betty. I admit.

BUT! It is that pesky force of gravity which caused the fall and the sudden stop in the first place.


SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point

Your DNA contains a record of your ancestors, but you aren’t a carbon copy of any one of them. The particular mix of DNA you inherit is unique to you. You receive 50% of your DNA from each of your parents, who received 50% of theirs from each of their parents, and so on.

If you go back far enough, there is a chance that you inherited no DNA from a particular ancestor.

Acquired genetic mutations do NOT contravene the fact we inherit exact DNA from our parents.


1 point

Man's scientific truths are always incorrect (not God's).

Really? is one scientific proof for you to disprove:

There is a force that is exerted by all objects which posses mass. This force is called gravity.

The Earth posseses gravity. Therefore, if you jump off of a 40-story building, this force will kill you.

Prove it wrong.

Until such time as you do that, and while you're at it, also prove that the Earth does not orbit the Sun every 365 days (yet another scientific proof)...we will all assume you really have no fucking clue as to what you are talking about.

I'll be waiting for your dis-proof of both of those truths. I also can furnish you with hundreds of others if you wish.


1 point

I actually had to give you a point for admitting that, since you made me smile.


1 point

Indeed, Mr. Trag. The primary and most infuriating problem in dealing with the zealots is that the vast majority of them do not adequately comprehend the workings of the very scientific theories they so smugly refute.

Hell, we have folks here on CD who boisterously decry Evolution, and tell me that we are NOT descended from monkeys! LOL. I cannot count the times I have corrected them on that misconception, but apparently my patient teachings are falling on deaf ears. (Or, more accuratly, falling on hopelessly deluded minds).

So, taking into account all of this, can you really expect any of them to understand the nuances of DNA? Or know that, as you correctly claimed, Evolution is NOT based on an organism "tweaking" its DNA in order to better thrive in its given environment?


2 points

Exactly! The fact that there are dozens of religions and thousands of invented gods out there, and that the advocates of all those religions and gods ALL feel theirs is the only true way, is just ONE of the problems with organized religion.

The fact that many of these believers are willing to--and indeed HAVE--murdered and shed blood in the name of their invented gods (imaginary friends) is ANOTHER problem with religion.

The fact that religion often stunts progress and growth and education and knowledge is yet ANOTHER problem.

The fact that religion teaches people that it's OK not to fully understand how science and nature and the real world works is ANOTHER problem.

The fact that the symptoms of alleged religious experiences among its members, like speaking in tongues r having god talk to them is almost the same as clinical psychosis is yet ANOTHER problem. Indeed, religious fervor is the most common symptom of many of the so-called "dis-associative orders" in psychology. Schizophrenia being one of them.

The fact that religious folks smugly reject science proofs offered to them that show the absurdity of some of the claims of their holy books is yet ANOTHER problem.

I could go on, of course. As the problems of religion in this world are manifold. I could make a list five times this long and supply proofs and links to support every claim. But I don't have the time nor the patience any more. Most of the zealots here have proven themselves to be too far gone to take any heed.

But always, I. Hope. This. Helps.


1 point

OK Betty, so you're probably gonna get pissed at me for busting-up your debate claim here, as I have done in the past a few times. But as the resident science geek, I am compelled to point-out a couple major errors in your header, after reading your link.

First, off, here is an exerpt from the link............

In 2005, John Ioannidis, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, published a paper, “Why most published research findings are false,” mathematically showing that a huge number of published papers must be incorrect. He also looked at a number of well-regarded medical research findings, and found that, of 34 that had been retested, 41% had been contradicted or found to be significantly exaggerated.

Since then, researchers in several scientific areas have consistently struggled to reproduce major results of prominent studies. By some estimates, at least 51%—and as much as 89%—of published papers are based on studies and experiments showing results that cannot be reproduced.

OK....the bolding is mine, so as to better illustrate the points I will now make.

1--In your header you said many "scientific truths" are false. This is NOT what the article claimed. It said, rather, "research findings." There IS a difference! A scientific FACT is just that: a fact. Ergo a fact cannot be false.

2--The subject of the flawed (not necessarily proven-to-be-false) findings were of the medical field. NOT ALL OF SCIENCE. Medical is simply one of dozens of fields or sub-categories of the umbrella of science.

3--The article also just claimed that a good portion of those findings "could not be reproduced." This, again, does not necessarily deem those finding to be false. It simply means they were not replicated and thus confirmed as being true.

In closing, I am going to have to relegate your debate header here to the category of "very misleading and inaccurate." Sorry, but that's how we roll in science when we examine data and evidence (as provided in your link) and then weigh those against a specific claim.


SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point



This is too good to be true!

I find it amusing that in a post where you accused somebody of being dumber than you, that you actually misspelled the word "you're."


Thanks for the laugh.


1 point

I know how you feel. My wife's family also has a beloved Mexican gardener/groundskeeper named Jesus. (pronounced "hay-ZEUS"). He grows the best damned tomatoes I ever tasted. Jalapenos and Habaneros too!

He has done far more for me, and I respect him way more and believe in him much more than I ever did that other Jesus from 1st Century Palestine. He has figured in my life about as much as Big Bird or the Keebler elves.



1 point

For the umpteenth time: we are not descended from the apes! How many times have I told you this?

Rather, we homo sapiens only share a common and distant ancestor with the apes of today. We "broke off" from that lineage a few million years ago.


1 point

We modern homo sapiens are indeed living proof of Evolution. Especially since we have all those transitional fossils and radiometric dating methods that prove beyond a doubt the age of the planet and the long step-by-step process of Evolution.

All men of science believe this. All rational and sane people. Only the religiously deluded or the mentally imbalanced deny Evolution or a billions-years-old Earth.

So are quite correct in stating that, when you look in the mirror you are looking at the current product of a Six Million Year Process of the Evolution of the primate hominid we like to call "Man."

Congrats!! You have reached the Pinnacle of the Food Chain!


Now then...for the deluded Creationists (or simply the interested folks!) here is a list of the very mountainous and comprehensive collection of transitional fossils we now have. The real question seems to be, "How did we ever find so many?" instead of "where are they?" like the deluded believe.

SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point

and so will you...die physically and every other way, spiritually as well. Probably in about 30 years.

Thus...all of your time..the countless hours you have spent thinking of your sky god; worshiping him; preaching about him and that Jew carpenter dude--who btw never met you or even knew of your existence--has been squandered.

you believers---i.e., the deluded--have gained nothing from your religion. except maybe some emotional comfort in the way of a placebo. like a kid does with his imaginary friend.

while I spent my life living it to the fullest and mired in the wonder of nature and the beauty of the sciences. and knowledge--which is power. I guarantee you nobody on is deathbed ever said "I shoulda spent more time in church." LOL Nope..quite the opposite.

Look...when a Ted Bundy dies, or a Richard Ramirez or a Hitler..they have the same afterlife to look forward to as does a John the Baptist or a Mother Theresa. And that is: none at all. They all experience the same level of eternal nothingness.

and that my indoctrinated friend is the thought--as you know deep down it is true--that keeps your kind up at nights, and forces them to invent false gods.

Prove me wrong on any of this. You cannot.


1 point

I love Harambe. And he did us all a favor by snuffing that kid, who probably would have just grown up to be a career criminal, and thus a burden and a threat to society.

And another interesting thing on this topic: I heard on the local FM Classic Rock station this morning on my way to work: the NFL has now made it illegal for all of it's licensed and registered jersey sellers to sell any NFL team jerseys with the name Harambe on the back!

Yeah...seems like that was getting to be a popular practice: getting a jersey of your favorite team and having Harambe on the back. I think that is cool, myself, and am sorry I didn't think of it earlier. I woulda got me a Detroit Lions jersey with Harambe on the back.


1 point

I wholly and totally and absolutely reject Jesus as being anything more than a long-dead, Bronze Age Hebrew political insurrectionist/philosopher. (And not even that original of a philosopher, either. He really brought nothing new to the table. Other sages who preceded him said his message before. And some of them, like Siddartha Guatama, did so in a far more compelling fashion.

And yet...I just had my annual physical, and my Doc said I am in perfect health. Thus, far from dying. And I am infected with nothing except a keen intellect, loads of charm, and ravishing good looks.



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