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Thebluemoo's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Thebluemoo's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Well, when it comes to the fact that our world is controlled by the corporations, where countries' water supplies have been bought by corporations, where Walmart has more money than many countries do, where the United States has over 16.3 trillion in debt, where the richest 2% of the population in the world own more than half of the global household assets, where countries have gone completely bankrupt, where six members of the Waltons family owned more money than the bottom 30% of American citizens combined, where our world is swamped by advertisements, where American rights are slowly deteriorating, where rapid inflation by the Federal Reserve diminishes what value left our dollar has, where our gas prices continually rise only because corporations want more money, where our politicians continually screw us citizens, and constant wasting of our Earth's natural resources, we're not that better off right now.

1 point

A nuke will not create anything good for either countries. It will result in plenty of bloodshed, hundreds of innocent families dead, and yet another reason for the American government to step in and create another war, the last thing any country needs.

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