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1 point

well if one has the ability to form their own ideas and opinions then one must have the ability to be offended. It's dumb to assume that someone is a horrible person due to an assumption they made but it is still possible to do so as you have said now. I believe that by claiming that if someone were to see a person (who at this current time believes you a male/female) is not an ass hole because they believe so. The person in no way is claiming that you are unable to be another gender(unless they say so) they are making that assumption due to the way the person who is being assumed of is presenting themselves. It is very obvious to most people when a person who identifies as whatever does identify. But sometimes it is difficult for people and sometimes we just need to help them out. I am normally careful not to say he/she when talking to or about people but i feel that i shouldnt have to be careful. I just am and doing a little bit more is fine but dont get mad when people make a mistake.

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