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Although some people may say the marijuana gives you a "great time" and "picks you up off of your feet" when you are feeling glum, legalize it and we will have the same problem that we are currently having with alcohol!

Alcohol is legal in the U.S. for those who are over the age of 21, but then again, even those who are proclaimed "mature" enough to handle drinking still abuse that privilage! The same will be if we legalize marijuana! And for all those hippies who think that we should make it legal I have one thing to say to you: "GO DOWN TO MEXICO! I MEAN, MARIJUANA IS PRACTICALLY LEGAL DOWN THERE AND ITS WORKING OUT JUST FINE! ¡Aquí venimos THIRD WORLD COUNTRY!" So go FUCK yourselves hippies! I don't know about the rest of you, but I do NOT want to live in a country like Mexico! That's why I live in the USA baby!

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