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1 point

Ages ago married men had mistresses, some do even now. So, porn being ubiquitous or having surrogate mothers doesn't devalue the traditional meaning of marriage. In fact, modern days have only strengthened marriage with legality, technology (fertilization techniques for unhappy mothers) and by bringing people closer. Love is the foundation of marriage, and love will survive till mankind does.

0 points

The essence of marriage is love and it has been love since the idea of marriage had been around. The basis of your argument that the woman being the property of man isn't what the institution of marriage is built on. Woman have just grown more independent these days, and that independence doesn't contribute to eliminating the traditional meaning of marriage, which I believe is love and not woman being declared the property of man. The traditional meaning still thrives.

0 points

I am of the opinion that technology isn't very closely related to marriage, and it certainly hasn't in any way contributed to rendering the institution of marriage obsolete. First of all, marriage isn't obsolete. It is very much alive and still holds a lot of meaning and sense. Marriage is still considered the sacred union by many, and people are still marrying.

Technology has only brought people closer, and if it has any role here, it has to be in keeping marriage alive.

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