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2 points

I reckon Obama will probably get this one, because he has a better public image. It doesn't really matter, they are essentially the same party. And both are murdering thieving anti-freedom bastards.

I love Guinness and Bud, but the day I support Romney is the day I tattoo dicks on my eyes.

2 points

Why would God cast a shadow? What is the shadow being cast on? And what is the light source which is casting the shadow? And why is God made of matter? And how does God fit into the universe?

It wasn't hard to guess from that video you posted a while ago. Well done for coming clean about your inferior racial origins Joey ;)

I am pro abortion, we need as many abortions as possible. The last thing we need is more fucking babies.

So it's wrong to take money from people who didn't necessarily earn it, but it's fine to let people die by withholding help from those who didn't necessarily earn their problems? Great logic there Joe.

So basically you want the freedom to let everyone else die?

Oh, and, don't forget, even if you do believe in property, life and liberty come first. I'd rather steal from the rich than watch the poor die.

Because the amount of income you receive is not directly proportional to the amount of work you do. A farmer who works all day cleaning, lifting, caring for animals, maintaining equipment, nurturing crops, but only does so for a very small income (as most farmers do), works harder than a public school toff who has inherited millions from his deceased father's company. The farmer might be on 20k for ten hours of various forms of labour a day, but the Eton boy might only have to go to a meeting every week and earn 500k just for inheriting the company.

I wouldn't consider myself a liberal, I would say I'm more of a classical anarchist, but I believe that property can't exist without coercion, and that acquiring property through coercion is theft, therefore property is theft, therefore, redistributive taxation is redistribution of stolen property.

Bang my head repeatedly against a hard surface in despair at the rife stupidity in the world until I am ready to look at the screen again.

This definitely has a strong element of truth to it, as much as I hate anecdotal evidence, my mother used to work in a care unit where the residents were boys aged 11 to 18 who exhibited sexually harmful behaviour. Most of them were also abused as children, their families used them as prostitutes, made porn with them in, raped them, whatever.

France are drawing very close to fascism right now, what with the Burkha thing lately. This idea won't work, and even if it did, it would imply a government ban backed up with coercion, and I am not exactly a fan of coercion.

I could be wrong about absolutely anything, asides from the fact I exist in some form or another. What's your point?

Fuck the man, man. People who don't subscribe to pre-packaged objective morality actually have to think about our actions and how they affect others, making us more moral.

I want all my rights back. That includes my right to take drugs, my right to skateboard, and my right to education.

Mcdonald's: Without Maccy Ds I'd be a lot healthier.

Coca-Cola: Biggest cunts in the world, I refuse to buy any product made by Coca-Cola, murder of union leaders, forced labour, etc etc. Don't you just love capitalism? I'd be richer without coke.

Michael Jackson: Shit music, possible child molester. Wouldn't affect me if he never existed.

Hollywood: Couldn't give a shit.

Levi's: Couldn't give a shit.

Of all the things that have come from America (none of which you had any part in creating), why did you pick the shittest?

I don't hate American people, I hate the attitude of social Darwinism that permeates the American political landscape, and I hate the ridiculous amount of religious nutjobs, actually, that does constitute about half of Americans, but most of them have just been brainwashed so I don't necessarily blame them.

Of course, this is a Joe Cavalry debate, what am I going on about -.-

I've always said I want someone to plant a tree in my corpse, looks like this'll be an easier way.

I think you'd probably describe me as a liberal since I'm left regarding economics, but as far as personal liberties go, I'm close to an anarchist, I also believe in reducing the government's maximum role to the protection of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So your statement that liberals are all authoritarians is not true. I think the problem is that you over simplify politics to "us and them", when in reality there are anarchists and authoritarians and centrists on both sides of the spectrum.

George Orwell was a socialist. I think that means liberal in over-simplified-politics talk, therefore your argument using Orwell's novel is invalid. He was criticising authoritarianism, not left wing beliefs. In fact, authoritarianism is classically a right wing belief.

Isn't the right to force others to work for you what you libertarians/conservatives want?

Oh those poor rich people having to contribute their fair share to the wellbeing of society. How dare those commie bastards make you care about other humans! Why can't we just have a completely private system where the poor are forced to die instead, and the rich are forced to pay even more by way of the hospital giving them unnecessary treatment in order to stay in the competition. Grow up and stop pretending to be a persecuted minority. And stop pretending it's only "rich" people who pay taxes. Everyone pays fucking taxes. I'll tell you what was theft, the private hospital my friend went to when he holidayed in America that unnecessarily put him on a heart monitor against his will to squeeze a profit out of him, when all he had was a broken finger.

Some of them are, some of them aren't. I would venture to suggest that there are more racists on the right, hence Nazis and the BNP.

If by "preferential treatment" you mean equal treatment, then yeah.

I'll be celebrating until I become aware of my own mortality, but that won't be for a couple of decades yet, so unless I get cancer, I'm good.

3 points

Marriage is an unnecessary and outdated ceremony originally intended to formalise the subjugation of women as property and make deals between families.

You don't need to spend thousands on a fancy ceremony to tell someone you love them. A wedding ring is not a symbol of love, it is a symbol of greed.

0 points

Oh no, we're all fucked..................................................................

2 points

Depends on your definition of "liberal". I understand that in America it is used to mean anyone politically left of yourself. So by that definition, I assume I would be a liberal, (considering I am not an advocate of letting poor people starve to death).

But what this should be titled is "the world according to authoritarians" or "the world according to fascists", as they are the ones who wish to restrict your personal freedom. Most lefties just want to "limit" your economic "freedom", or as we see it, allow everybody the same economic freedom.

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