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This personal waterfall shows you all of Brontoraptor's arguments, looking across every debate.

Nom caught proving he is a Hitlerian fascist

Nom quote:

"Corbyn and his socialist army are coming for you. There is no escape. There is only assimilation or death."

Nom Quote proving he's an antisemitic Nazi:

"Shut up you extremist Jew prick.",,z


I believe that conservatives need to be banned from the internet and put in concentration camps where they will be force fed Marxism until they puke and ask for seconds. Homework shouldbeabolished3#arg957770

Nom caught proving he is a Hitlerian fascist

Nom quote:

"Corbyn and his socialist army are coming for you. There is no escape. There is only assimilation or death."

Nom Quote proving he's an antisemitic Nazi:

"Shut up you extremist Jew prick.",,z


I believe that conservatives need to be banned from the internet and put in concentration camps where they will be force fed Marxism until they puke and ask for seconds. Homework shouldbeabolished3#arg957770

If he filled the vacancies for Judges with REAL ones, not just those he can find that think the way HE does. THAT'S how it's always been done.

Right. That's why every judge that attempts to block Trump is an Obama appointee...

Make a list of people you aren't fond of, and start naming creatures...

We wouldn't NEED sanctuary cities if he would do Immigration Reform on a bi-partisan basis and act like a REAL Christian is "reputed to act".

So how is a "real Christian" supposed to act concerning illegal aliens rushing the border, bringing chaos, lawlessness, and disease toward their children and family? Do tell.

What? 12 million of 'em are already here

That's a good one Con. If the open borders media says 12 million, that means 30 to 40 million. How could anyone possibly know that stat seeing most of them are never caught or registered according to border patrol and ICE?


Without looking, I'm guessing 12 million were caught, reported and let loose, and another 30 million or more were never caught or reported. What say you?

I'll look it up and report back...

You don't think they're in YOUR city??

Yes Con, but we want to give Seattle thousands per day as they pour in. Won't it make you feel super multicultural and shit? Or was it nicer when it was Southern California and Texas accumulating the masses and we could feel super multicultural from afar?

Hell yeah. They want em, let em have them. Let's see if they welcome the overflow with open arms like they demanded or if they become white supremacists all of the sudden.

A mix of loving yourself mixed with some humility, being grateful, having a positive attitude about life, and confidence. You know. The opposite of leftistism...

Hatred BROADENS your mind??

Right con. You just told me you aren't concerned when Christians are killed for "your own reasons"...

I love how the left's hate never falls under their mystical, magical definition of the word hate...

It's only hate if it's toward certain groups or voting blocs, eh con?

We need to do a skin color and religion test on each victim to get the leftist stamp of approval of the act being "hate", eh con?

If you're white, native, Christian, probably not getting any lib concern, eh con?

Hatred BROADENS your mind?? Telling us how inferior black people are STIMULATES you??? It probably does..

The skin isn't inferior. The inner city culture sucks nuts, but leftists encourage it, thus it remains. Of course that's because an uplifted black culture wouldn't vote left, thus they must be sold oppression and right wing boogeymen. If they ever got reperations, the left would lose it's voting bloc, thus no reperations ever do or will manifest into reality.

You are one fucked up dude. If you told me that you liked me, I'd have to kill myself..

Don't be such a lib.

It's funny isn't it nom? Lefties can tolerate anything as long as it conforms or serves a political agenda. If it doesn't conform or serve a political agenda, they tolerate no one.

Is it not odd that an entire wing condemns misogyny, religion, homophobia etc, then welcomes in people with those exact long as they serve the wing...

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