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This personal waterfall shows you all of Dtrimble's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point


Single syllable, easy to spell, and strong.

It was good enough for Marion Micheal Morrison its good enough for me!

1 point

Here here! I agree completely.

How about some accountability America?

1 point

Hope this is helpful though it is not my original source I am still looking for that.


Just how much money is the U.S. government printing to meet its debts? Steven Horwitz, professor at St. Lawrence University, and co-author of The Austrian Economists blog, explains that the amount of money printed in the past few months since the October economic crisis, has been absolutely unprecedented in U.S. history. “Since September, the 'monetary base,' which is the measure of currency plus bank reserves, has doubled from about $850 billion to $1.7 trillion, about $600 billion of which is in the form of bank reserves,” he says.

0 points

Great point. I will look that up for you and get back with you as soon as I can.

I will vote myself down on this message.

I will vote you up just for the bleach comment! You humor has made my morning!

1 point

Pay it back? More likely the plan on collapsing the value of the dollar through inflation and the pay of the debt with worthless paper leaving the US citizen holding the bag.

1 point

Truth is there is 127% more US currency available in the world now than one year ago.

This is more that 5 times the extra money that was printed during the Carter days.

Question: If the federal government is not printing money, where did all the "new" money come from?

Looking forward to you response.

1 point

Actually after having worked for a public water utility for over 20 years I can tell you that it would do little to "protect the quality" of drinking water supplies.

Understand, this means that even farmers who have stock pods that are not used for human consumption, will have to give up control of their watering rights for their live stock to the government.

It means that if a landowner who has had ownership of a piece property for years suddenly developers a beaver problem and the associated damning activity caused by the beavers threatens your home, you have no right to interfere with the beavers OR the ponds/ flooding caused by the beavers. In other words the beavers have more rights than the property owner does.

It means that if you own a piece of property that has a stagnant pond or water shed and this creates a mosquito problem (and we all know what problems mosquitoes cause) the property owner MUST get the permission of the government to do anything about it and I can tell you that almost never happens without GREAT expense to the owner.

Protection of property is one of the MOST important rights Americans are born with. These kinds of actions by our government clearly imposes on those rights.

1 point

I agree. And lest we forget, when the federal government gets involved, its about control.

What will ordinary citizens do when the government controls food, water, money(taxes), and medicine?

They will "obey"

Sounds like tyranny to me.

1 point

I was just wondering that myself just the other day?

Can someone tell me what point does the Supreme Court get involved in protecting and enforcing the Constitition?

1 point

That is damned funny!

The simplicity of your argument is unavoidable! : -)

Do you know where the terms right and ...uh... I mean left come from?

2 points

He is WAY too busy spending OUR money to have time to print it! Beside that job would be beneath the One!

1 point

oops! Duplicate message pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

0 points

One more example of the government trampling on an individuals property rights.

Does the term "Slippery Slope" mean anything to anyone?

3 points

It is ALWAYS time to ask your elected representatives WTF?

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