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Gabbyabeyta's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Gabbyabeyta's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

but if bombing the Japanese is the only way to prove were serious what else can we do to make them listen ?

2 points

but if bombing the Japanese is the only way to prove were serious what else can we do to make them listen ?

1 point

I understand that, but if bombing the Japanese is the only way to prove were are serious, than what else can we do ?

2 points

I agree and i know killing is bad, but if its the only way we can prove were serious what else can we do?

1 point

I agree if the Japanese sees that the U.S is serious maybe they will surrender and never bother the U.S again.

4 points

I support option 2, because if we demonstrate the bomb, it can prove were not going to surrender and it will also prove that we are really about what we say. I also think that it will scare the Japanese and force them to surrender and leave the U.S alone for good.

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