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2 points

I think you aren't well educated on what cannabis can actually do for society.

Did you know that if cannabis were legalized that it could replace the lumber industry with a renewable, green house resource? It requires no pesticides to grow, the pesticides companies don't like that. Big lumber are the guys who got the crop made illegal back in 1937. Crashes under impairment would likely go down, as many bars might adopt marijuana instead of alcohol. Orp people might start smoking instead of drinking. Studies have shown that impairment while driving (while not encouraged ,and should have a limit, like alcohol. Keep in mind we didn't develop one before re-legalizing it in 1937.) Other studies show that cannabis going illegal at the same time alcohol became legal again was a gift to organized crime.

See, organized crime didn't exist the way it did (or at all) before alcohol prohibition. That literally changed the face of our nation. Marijuana and other drug prohibition changed everything as well. It (marijuana) is responsible for 70% of Drug Cartel income. We can end that with legalization.

Industrial benefits of hemp: Can make 2x4 and other building material that is 2-4x stronger than wood. Lasts longer.

25,000 different products, 5,000 known textiles (That was in 1938!). They are looking into making polymer with it. Like those high grade plastics used in, well, almost everything. From guns to blow dryers, etc. etc. This would make a more environmentally-friendly version.

Same with paper, our Constitution is written on hemp paper. George Washington smoked hemp, and grew it, even telling others to do it. Benjamin Franklin had a hemp paper mill. And news press. Hemp paper is the highest quality paper in the world. And completely renewable and eco-friendly. Industrial hemp can be grown en-mass with very little THC, making thieves unlikely. Plus it could be grown as a number one cash crop from Cali to Utah to Nebraska and most of the Bible-belt states.

Did I mention you can build the body for a car using hemp polymer? Even space shuttles and planes! Then you can fuel them using hemp-fuel that has ZERO carbon emissions.

"Why isn't it legal if it's so great?" You ask? Well, it's simple. Big biz, Pharm, Tobacco (although they will be changing their mind, surely), alcohol, lumber, oil, people who in the pocket of the cartels, etc. Don't want that. Enough of them got enough people tricked to keep this going for years.

Recent tests also show that smoking or inhaling, or otherwise ingesting cannabis can increase your brain cell growth. In 40 years of constant usage no user of just marijuana has ever gotten cancer or otherwise ill effects. Something would have shown up.

Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD

Professor Emeritus, Harvard Medical School

"There are no deaths from cannabis"

-Can be seen in the documentary "The Union: The Business of Getting High"

Watch that on and then research and judge for yourself. Please!

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