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1 point

NO it is not the Governments fault that this kid is not excelling in his class. It is his parents. It is their responsibility to see that he tries to make better for himslef. Encourage him to do better so he has a better chance. This is being accountable as a parent. The same thing goes for the kid that has everything handed to him on a silver platter. He has no incentive to do better because he knows it will be handed to him. This, however, is the exact same as those that are on already installed Socialistic programs. They know they will get a handout, so they do nothing to better themselves. They just ride on the backs of the people that let it continue. It's just too bad there are so many dead beat parents out there. BUT, instead of forcing others to do things against their will just to make it a little easier for a few, there are alot of programs and associations out there that were formed to help out both parent and child, free of charge. This is called being charitable. And there is nothing in this world that does not allow charity. It is encouraged. I am all for showing someone how to do something so they may be able to do it themselves. But I refuse to give handouts. If you need money, I'll show you how to frame a house, paint, trim out, build cabinets, finish concrete, grow a garden, work on an automobile, or anything else I might know how to do. And while your there, I'll pay you for helping me. But, you will not get something for nothing.

Oh, and I guess that since there is still quite a lot of class based crime over there is due to....What? You know, since wealth is evenly distributed among the people.

1 point

That is what a Constitutional Republic does. Everyone is born with the ability to do great things, on their own accord. It is whether or not they wish to persue their endeavors and bring themselves up out of adversity. We have Socialistic programs in this Country already. They are flawed. Why? There is always someone that wants something for nothing. Those that milk the system. But what does Government do... They create more rules and regulation to try to bandage the wound instead of doing what needs to be done. Set limits on how much and how long these programs can be used. I am not implying they don't have any merit. They were meant as a hand up, NOT a HAND OUT.

As far as your comment about caring for humanity and doing good to others so there might not be poverty. HA. Do you actually believe that? You are either very young or very blind. There is always going to be poverty. For this one very simple reason... This World is full of people that refuse to do for themselves. And, no mater how much you try to help them, they will never, EVER lift their own finger to better themselves. They feed off of those of us that scratch and claw and sweat and bleed to get what we have rightfully earned. Through hard work and devotion. Now, having gotten that out in the open. I'll give you two examples of what I am talking about. 1: Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he can feed his entire village. Open a chain of fish stores, resturants, bait & tackle shops, guided fishing trips. By doing this you have created a basis for competition between the two fisherman. And at the same time, become an example to someone else that might wish to better themselves, so they apply for a job to help, Stay the course, has a job, makes money all the while learning how to fish and one day starts his own business. 2: Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and you just lost a big business opportunity.

But I have a better example of Socialism and it's effects. A boy in college asks his professor why he thinks Socialism does not work. The professor tells the boy that it is better to demonstrate than to simply tell how. So he tells the boy to come by his house later that afternoon, the boy agrees. The boy arrives, goes around back and the professor is sitting in a chair and has placed a bucket by the pool. The boy asks the professor to explain Socialism, he replies he will, but first, take that bucket, get water from the deep end of the pool and pour it into the shallow end The boy agrees and starts transferring water from the deep end to the shallow. After about 5 times the boy asks when he can have Socialism explained to him and the professor again tells the boy to keep dipping into the deep end and pour it tinto the shallow. The boy throws the bucket down, looks at the professor with a very disgusted look on his face and says nothing is getting done, the level of water is staying the same. It is niether gaining nor losing the amount of water. Nothing is getting accomplished. The professor looks at the boy with a smile on his face and says, and that my boy is why Socialism does not work.

1 point

We would all be starving all of the time. You know, that "an hour later" thing. Also, wouldn't be able to get anything accomplished, cause you know that "an hour later" thing.

1 point

I guess it all goes hand in hand. I've got to pay for your food, clothes, kids education, health insurance, cigarettes, liquor and drugs, why the hell not pay for your cell phone. At least that way, I know you'll be in touch with your Family Practitioner, employment office, and your childs school to make sure everything is A- O.K.

0 points

You cannot be at all serious! How old are you? Or are you just so blinded by all of the falsehoods that have been drilled into your brain by those that wish this Republic to ultimately fall? The media is to keep people informed and the government in check? Our government not shady?

But again, I don't totally agree with the "Hell Yeah" answer. While all that are enlisted in any armed service, they are sworn to uphold and obey the Constitution of the United States. After their tour is over, it should be a personal choice to still uphold that Oath, as with all other Freedoms and Liberties. That is of course WHY the Constitution was written in the manor it was. To protect our inherent and inalienable rights.

1 point

How can anyone say that racism is no more? Everytime you turn your head someone is saying that the Mr. Obama is black. Or " He did this because he is black". Or " You don't agree with him because he is black". The very reason he was (elected) is because he is black. That and a more smooth talker than the rest of them. Also the fact that the majority of the people that are on government subsidized programs are black. Why? The belief that they still feel that America owes them restitution for their "ancestors". If you ask if I am racist. No. I am however prejudice towards anyone that can do for themselves but refuse to. No matter what color or where they're from. I have never asked for a handout and will never. Nor will I give one. This is the basis for alot of the problems that plague this Republic. Policy that was enacted many years ago that was meant to give a hand up, not a hand out. But it got abused. Now, I ask you who the majority of those people are? Why are they like that? I'll tell you, it because of racism. Not ultimately the white hating the blacks, but blacks feeling they are owed something. Or just plain laziness. These said programs are just enabling the problems. Again, racism is not gone. It has just taken on a different form.

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