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1 point

"A woman who is passionately against abortion should not be financially pressurized into having one by the man who got her pregnant."

According to this only man makes a baby women just birth it...Get real they both did the dirty and they both conceived a child...they both should have the choice of parenting and supporting.

1 point

So men have no rights? Men have no choice? And why can a woman abort and take away all her consequences but a man can't do the same. A woman can abort simply because she's not ready to parent a child but the man has no choice as to parent or not. It takes 2 so maybe that woman shouldn't have opened her legs!!

1 point

Have you never watched a talk show? Have you never talked to a teen mom? there reason is ALWAYS because they thought a baby would make him stay. Women choose to be a mommy or not so why can't a man?

1 point

Then how come two girls can get in a fight with A being pregnant and B not. B will get in trouble for endangering a CHILD's life. how if it's not human??

1 point

I don't think the woman should have to abort but I do think the man should have a choice in being a parent just as much as a woman does.

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