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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jtopolnak's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

We are winning this debate outright it's fun to have a no opposition room to relax in.

1 point

At least allow for people to have a choice instead of this is the way or has to be the way when it all just a theory.

1 point

So the whole thing turned out that the kid was hiding a hoax basically. I hope that all of the law inforcement that is on tax dollars is going to get billed to the idiotic family.

1 point

Buy bye. Not a very smart 6 year old up up and away. Where were the parents in all of this. I smell a lawsuit and it will be the person who sold them the material to make the balloon in the first place.

1 point

Yes of course he is there's really no debating that. Both Parties even agree with that. Including NATO. This is a man that publicly said that the Holocaust never happened and also that he wants to attack and bomb Israel. I think personally anyone with that kind of callas i would say that he's evil.

0 points

If he where to actually keep the Bush Tax cuts and realize that 5% is huge deal when is comes to business and how it will affect the unemployment rate even more. Also getting a clue on Cap and Trade and realize what a disaster that would be.

1 point

I would say from 1982 - 1986 was the strongest in my generation.

1 point

I like it because for at least a short time it brought some sales and money to the staggering auto companies. I wanted to point out how it shows if you give incentives and tax cuts how it inspires people to spend and companies can make a profit which is something that we all need right now.

1 point

It's inflation, when I'm all for raising minimum wages but he was not the only person for it look at the voting records on it. Although not every Republican voted for it many did it was very bipartisan.

0 points

The guy was a disgrace. From leaving people dead in a car at the bottom of a river and not confessing to it until it was too obvious. If this was you or me we would have done jail time for. To going to Germany in the cold war to try to stop Reagan from helping tearing down the wall. To having Massachusetts being one of the highest taxed states in the U.S. He was everything wrong with American politics a career politician. We need term limits for Senators. 12 years max.

0 points

The guy was a career politician everything that is wrong with the system in my opinion he represented.

1 point

Water boarding is essential. It's nice that they finally released the report that showed how many lives and possible attacks would have been if it wasn't for water boarding. They still leave with life, and limbs unlike ours who lose their heads. Now we have a communist, racist attorney general Eric Holder who wants us to apologize for water boarding these people. What is our Nation coming to?

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