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Lawman's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Lawman's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I'd start a hobby and get my eyes at least 15 inches away from media screens. Then I would beat the sun and everybody in my home up at dawn and break a sweat in the yard. I would then study the bee's and the busy they are. Yes, life still feels vain, but now I have purpose and a routine that helps others. Oh, Saturday you say...…..Alternative ass flapping day. dry, rinse, repeat until your dust in an urn getting thrown by your grandchildren's buddy who was available to clean your children's house out after they died, or your white washed sepulcher has aged 75 years and your name is unreadable and toppled over by drunk teenagers on a Saturday night. You are not legend, you are not God. You must stay and suffer like everybody else until the weekend comes around.

1 point

if your talking about getting rid of the useless eaters, you would have nothing to complain about, grow to many tomatoes for yourself and live a vain existence. Maybe you don't like the wait for your moon bucks coffee, so you rationalize in a dramatic way. Ive been in an airplane before...….lots of farms and vacant land down there. If you want to make the world a better place, just look at yourself and make a change- Michael Jackson

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