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Mskin's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Mskin's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

no, i don't. i think they're vulnerable and easily influenced by an overwhelmingly disproportionate leftist faculty. But go ahead and tell them i said that and make ME the bad guy.

1 point

no, i don't. i think they're vulnerable and easily influenced by an overwhelmingly disproportionate leftist faculty. But go ahead and tell them i said that and make ME the bad guy.

3 points

but it hasn't worked for 100s of years in Europe. France, Spain, Italy, Germany certainly can't be cited as having hundreds of years of success... the french revolution, the fall of the fourth republic, Spanish civil war in the 30s, fascist italy and nazi germany.... i mean come on?!?! You call that working? Meanwhile, spains credit ranking has just been downgraded, and did you miss the rioting in greece? not to mention their broke! Socialism has never and will never result in anything other than mile ling breadlines.

lets look at some of the socialist success stories in the united states.... social security - BROKE. medicaid - BROKE.

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