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sylynn(626) Clarified
1 point

but he was just doing a free favor....and you thank him with a slap?

No, doing a favor is actually giving the information to people that find it useful, not saying something on a random late night radio show. However, since he's a fraud, I personally don't think he would be liable.

How do i know you know but denying?

This question doesn't make sense

Your ignorance is not established as far as am concerned.

I'm not ignorant as to who satan is claimed to be, I simply don't believe it's real.

But the guy has no degree.

What difference does that make?

What difference would it make if he gave the credit to an octopus.

You're asking me? It really makes no difference to me, but at least there's evidence octopuses exist.

I don't know if it's the catholics who teach it but my bible and church never taught me God is in the sky.

Perhaps not literally in the sky, but it does teach you God exists which is just as wrong.

I will never forgive myself i impossibly be an atheist(fuckwit, bigot, idiot).

Again, this sentence doesn't make sense, but are you suggesting atheists are bigots? Do you not understand the purpose of this debate at all? It's the religious that have issues with the LGBT community, making you the bigot.

People almost always have a problem with what i post on CD, but am being denied the right to do same?really?

I'm not denying you the right of posting anything, I'm simply stating I've lost interest in where you've taken it. When it comes down to it, though I know how most con artists work, no I can't explain exactly how the radio host may have done it; but this is the problem most religious people have: they can't accept "I don't know" as an answer. Just because I don't know doesn't mean it's god, that's simply an argument from ignorance. There was once a time we didn't understand how lightning worked and people attributed it to a god; but now we do understand it and there's nothing supernatural about it. Before you can even claim what he did was supernatural and that it was from God, you must first demonstrate that both the supernatural and God even exist. If you offer no evidence to their existence, how could it be possible that God is responsible for it?

sylynn(626) Clarified
1 point

Does he work for the government?

Only the government has the capability of warning people? If you see a person is about to get injured do you stay quiet because you don't work for the government? You're a despicable human being!

Some have never seen the face of their bosses.its normal

But they know their boss exists. This is a ridiculous comparison.

It will take a lot of wit to guess that.

Perhaps, but it's not impossible

Why give the credit to God?

Makes it easier for the gullible like you to believe it.\

You are not scared of being fooled but of the possibility of it being true, which could damage your head.

I'm not afraid of any of this being true, there is simply no reason to believe it is.

Do you not use a plastic skeleton before you move a real bones?

Plus i elaborated explicitly but you ignored it....

Still a waste of time.

In psychology, am a beginner, but i did a presentation and it went well.....good enough for you.......

Given the fact you're wrong, no it's not good enough

A man in the sky? Says who?Your priest?

So now you're an atheist?

Again, you proved me right..."no sense of delight" are not as happy as you it is debatable...(not interested though)

I'm interested for as long as the discussion remains relevant to the topic. You have skewed this so far away from anything regarding the LGBT community - talking about people who died from a waterfall in Africa - that I simply don't care anymore.

sylynn(626) Clarified
1 point

That accidents regularly happen on that road says who?

Here's an article that was found among others by doing a quick search

Even so, did he talk about a waterfall or road


And about this you still challenge me about my language on what he said. What nonsense?

Not my fault you don't understand it. Also, even if this were true (which it's not), he should be held liable for not making the effort to actually tell anybody who could actually do something about it instead of making some claim on a late night radio show.

You are not an atheist, you work for satan.

Nope, I don't believe satan exists

You are not in my country and you can't tell me what is not rare or is here.

Didn't read the entire sentence? "not exactly uncommon here"

By this you imply they are the most intelligent people in the world.

NASA, or weather forecasters calculate before they predict.

I have no idea how you got there, but no. Yes, NASA and meteorologists predict based off actual calculations whereas the con artist in your video made a guess.

People like you?

Seriously? If that were true we wouldn't even be discussing this and I'd be on your side of this superstitious nonsense. many times should i say that was for just demonstration?

So a pointless, waste of time...thanks

It is coming from your brain.


Where's your PhD? Besides, you believe in a man in the sky and you want to try to explain psychology?


Gotta admit, with the bizarre tangents you keep taking I'm getting bored of this

sylynn(626) Clarified
1 point

That accidents regularly happen on that road says who?

Here's an article that was found among others by doing a quick search

Even so, did he talk about a waterfall or road


And about this you still challenge me about my language on what he said. What nonsense?

Not my fault you don't understand it

You are not an atheist, you work for satan.

Nope, I don't believe satan exists

You are not in my country and you can't tell me what is not rare or is here.

Didn't read the entire sentence? "not exactly uncommon here"

By this you imply they are the most intelligent people in the world.

NASA, or weather forecasters calculate before they predict.

I have no idea how you got there, but no. Yes, NASA and meteorologists predict based off actual calculations whereas the con artist in your video made a guess.

People like you?

Seriously? If that were true we wouldn't even be discussing this and I'd be on your side of this superstitious nonsense. many times should i say that was for just demonstration?

So a pointless, waste of time...thanks

It is coming from your brain.


Where's your PhD? Besides, you believe in a man in the sky and you want to try to explain psychology?

sylynn(626) Clarified
1 point

So then what do you mean by he said all will die but not all died? He shouldn't have cautioned because it was 18?

I don't give a crap if he said anything or not. I'm simply saying he's a con artist and good con artists know how to get lucky. As I stated before, in his "prophecy" he said if the school were to still take the trip to at least avoid the main Kintampo road. Again, his claim was that tragedy would happen on the road, and a quick Google search shows just how common accidents occur in that particular area making the chances of such a tragedy quite likely.

Like a prophet at the beginning of the year prophesied a lot of youth's suicides and other deaths....

I don't know about where you are, but teen suicide and other deaths are not exactly uncommon here. In fact we average about 121 suicides each day in the US. Unless his "prophecy" indicates a specific person who dies at a specific date & time by a specific method, there's nothing special about it.

Then derive the formula for his calculation.

What calculation? He makes a "prediction" that is just vague enough to have a good chance of coming true. That's how all of these con artists work, but there's no mathematical formula for it.

You can take a flight to the church to see more.

Nope, don't need to. People are just as easily fooled in person as they are from video.

I don't know how you understood it but from this i can tell how poor your comprehension skill is.

You claim the video wasn't true which just goes to show how gullible people can be.

There is zero sense of delight in your words.

How can you sense anything from just words but no tone? Besides that, it isn't up for debate since you can't argue it.

But at least it should go in line with the original story right?.....

You always bring your own new story on board.........

What other story did I bring on board?

1 point

Sure I can! Muslim is not a species, therefore your argument is nonsensical. Now, whether I take issue with Islam as a religion is a completely separate matter, but as a species, they're the same as you and me.

1 point

Still not an argument as to how it relates to immigration. No matter how many ways you say it, you still wind up with a man born in Kent (England) who later moved to the West Midlands (still England). To simplify, a man born in England, who moved to a different part of England committed a terrorist act in England. How does this relate to immigration?

1 point

Don't know, but considering he converted to Islam, I don't think it's a matter of how he was raised.

1 point

What happened in London was committed by a 52 y/o man born and raised in England. How does this relate to immigration?

sylynn(626) Clarified
1 point

well, he never said everyone will die ,did he?

Actually he did. Look elsewhere and you can find english transcriptions of it and he does specifically state all the children would die. He also did not specify a time or date, he simply stated a school class is planning a trip and they need to cancel it otherwise they would die AND if they were to proceed with it, to at least avoid the specific road, implying it wasn't the waterfall that was the peril.

18 Lives is worthless to you?

You were expecting about 50 people before he warned?

I never suggested this and how dare you suggest otherwise. My point is I don't believe in prophecy and this guy is nothing more than a con artist.

What am trying to prove is God exists, and he warns.

This isn't proof of anything.

It isn't material logic and proves the existence of impossibilities that questions your stand as an atheist(someone who doesn't believe in the existence of such things).

This video isn't proof of anything. Why should I even believe this video to be authentic?

Because scammers are usually school drop outs who are not supposed to be intelligent than their victims who are mostly rich business men, professors and intellects....

So if this video was a scam it just goes to show how gullible religious people can be.

you should know by now that you always are hysterical, paranoid and complaining when you talk about God

On the contrary, I greatly enjoy religious debates.

Your most annoying questions are the ones about adam and eve.

Its as if you never owned or borrowed a bible to even read it....

You keep missing the point. I understand the answers from the Christian or Jewish perspective. My questions are worded as such because when you actually look at the text without the blinders of belief and faith, the stories are actually quite absurd.

sylynn(626) Clarified
1 point

Oh boy, a list of irrelevant articles and videos. Yay.

So let me get this straight. This self proclaimed prophet predicted all of the children on a trip to Kintampo (a popular place for tourism with several attractions) would die, and gave no specific time frame or location. He also added to his "prediction" that if they were to proceed with the trip, they should change their route and avoid the Kintampo road. If that's the case, this would imply the children would be killed on their way to or from the waterfall, not actually at the waterfall. Also, not all of the children died, only some.

What's the point of this?

Convenient covering of the actual event. You actually believe this crap?

Not English so I have no idea what's going on. I didn't watch all 34 minutes of it, but did skip around and nothing happened. What's the point?


You accuse me of losing focus and then paste some random links which have nothing to do with the topic of this debate, nor each other.

sylynn(626) Clarified
1 point

I think you're on to something...

sylynn(626) Clarified
1 point

No idea, but I'd be willing to guess there are more than 33

1 point

Okay, it's clear you're going to keep ignoring me and just keep repeating yourself, and since basic terms are too confusing for you...we're done.

1 point

You can keep ignoring what I say, but that's not going to get us anywhere. Let's go a bit deeper. From what I provided in a link:

"The distinction between sex and gender differentiates sex (the anatomy of an individual's reproductive system, and secondary sex characteristics) from gender, which can refer to either social roles based on the sex of the person (gender role) or personal identification of one's own gender based on an internal awareness (gender identity)."

1 point

Sex takes place between 2 consenting adults.

Ever fill out an application for a job, insurance, or pretty much anything and it asks if you're male or female? Notice it's formatted as such

Sex: []M []F


First, notice it doesn't say gender. Secondly, if you think sex is just an act, how do you answer that question on applications?

1 point

I have no confusion on the facts, but what you're saying is not fact. Go look it up.

1 point

No, the two sexes are male and female. Gender simply refers to how society delineates certain characteristics as masculine or feminine.

1 point

You're confusing gender with sex.

1 point

Just focus on the one you are and the one you are attracted to and you'll be fine. Don't worry about the others.

sylynn(626) Clarified
1 point

i was done with them 5days ago......but here you are still....

It's only because you take so long to respond

There have been no such least not my side....

There have been many instances on my side that I don't agree with your answers

This is where you lose focus.

You just admitted it.

As long as the focus or motive is to produce water, any other uses of hydrogen or oxygen doesn't exist ........stay focused.....

I'm certainly not the one that lost focus. I perfectly understand that if your presumption of "the focus or motive is to produce water" is correct, then the LGBT community shouldn't exist; but you are wrong in your presumption.

1 point

Just last week i had similar encounters from three people and the conversation was dissolved amicably(which i rarely do but i gave them a chance) in just two days.

I constantly alerted them on their deviations

Whether I'm one of the three or there were three additional people is unclear, but if you had issues with each of us, it would seem you are the one that just doesn't get it.

After i have answered a question which leaves no room for anymore(about it)

Only if we agree on your answer would there be no more room. If I ask what 2+2 is and you answer red, there's more discussion to be had.

The focus is to produce water, which is H2O..........

But all of a sudden i see H2 +O +K(potassium/unrelated)= ??(it doesn't make sense considering the fact that we intend to produce just water)...

It seems you're a bigot who doesn't want to accept H2+O produces water

Since you use the word, "bigot", I can only assume you're trying to use this as an odd analogy for human reproduction; and though I do accept H2+O produces water, these aren't the only uses for hydrogen or oxygen, which it seems you believe to be the case. I'm also not following what potassium is supposed to represent since whether you identify as any of the LGBTQ+ community, at it's core we are still starting off as men and women with no suggestion of a 3rd option.

1 point

It seems you’re lost in this conversation and now you’re just trying to talk your way out of it.

He is the Judge and law…

For the sake of saving space, I’m not going to paste your long rant here. Fact is, yes in this country we do sentence people to death…for heinous crimes! We don’t execute people for matters of disobeying your parents, working on the Sabbath, having sex with your sister-in-law (but sex with your biological sister seems to be okay in the Bible), or for simply not believing the same thing as you. All of these and more are reasons to put someone to death in the Bible; not just rape.

If so, then why did you relate a man's rape to God, and concluding it to law then, when it wasn't Him in the action.

Why? Because God game the permission to do so. They didn’t act on their own accord, but were instructed to do so.

You will need real evidence with all your senses.

And no such evidence has ever been provided. Which of the senses can be used to experience this evidence?

At least you proved something, you lack focus.

We are examining beats by dre and you deviate to talk about JBL

No, no, no. You make the claim there is evidence for Jesus and that he had superpowers, you need to back it up. Don’t come after me for lacking focus just because my questions are becoming too difficult for you. You believe Jesus is real and that he was somehow supernatural? Prove it.

As you can see, am defending a part of it(about jesus) do you defend what you don't know

You’re trying to defend it, but you can’t defend the Bible through the use of the Bible. If I don’t believe it to be true, what difference does it make what it says?

So about owning plenty bibles isn't a valid argument or else you wouldn't be asking such a silly question.

Again, you’re caught in your fallacious claim and now trying to talk your way out of it. You ask if I own a Bible, I say yes, and you claim it’s irrelevant. Something you seem to be unaware of is that most atheists have read the Bible, cover to cover, multiple times; often the reason why we’re atheists (such is the case with me). Christians are forced to read it with rose-tinted glasses and are blind to atrocities either committed by God or at the hand of man under the instruction from God.

What You search is what you find.

Not always. People have been searching for Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, but just because you’re looking for it doesn’t mean you’ll find it.

You google dog and you expect to find elephant?

The ability to find things through Google and through archeology are two entirely different things. If I search “Loch Ness Monster” on Google I will find results on it, yet those who keep searching in the real world keep coming up short.

You still distrust science?

This is your claim, not mine. I do trust science, but the problem is science would have no way of proving a skeleton to be a particular person without samples that are known to be his. Even in forensics, DNA found at a crime scene is worthless if there’s nothing to compare it with.

Actually, it's entirely the same. They were entirely kicked out of the garden.(i call it abandoning)

Call it what you want, it’s not. I’ve known parents who have kicked their kids out of the house because they refused to follow the rules. The parents still loved them and would help in any way they needed, but they were simply not allowed to live under the same roof.

You don't know when a question becomes usesless,huh?

Again, you’re not keeping track of the conversation and trying to talk your way out. What you failed to address was not a question, it was a statement; and when a person is incapable of addressing such a simple statement, it becomes quite apparent the statement was far from useless.

Find the word creating the relationship (the verb) between your question and my reply

No, your statement, “Understanding is not a certificate (PHD) for Him,” does not make sense. What is a “PHD for Him”? Are you referring to a PhD in theology? If so, it is rather impossible to have a PhD without understanding the material.

Now proof for jesus becomes adam and eve? That for a different time.

Pls stay focused.

My focus is fine. Once again you’ve gotten lost, but you still can’t talk your way out of it. You asked who claimed people existed before Adam and Eve and I answered it.

Even so, the universe wasn't created in just a day

Nope, according to your silly book it took just 6 days (despite the 13.8 billion history we can observe and the 4.5 billion year timeframe of the earth). So in 6 days he was capable of creating everything from scratch, yet took several thousand years to work out that he needed to commit suicide to magically take away sin. If he was able to create everything so quickly, he should have been able to work out the cure for sin over lunch, and that method could easily have not included suicide.

ah, have you ever had a biblee.?

Yes, but I’m still not convinced you ever have. You seem to be doing the same as most Christians by just picking through the stuff that makes them feel good without actually questioning the authenticity of it.

when i see such silly questions from you.....

I’ll admit, that was a bad example, but to more accurately compare it with the ridiculous salvation story, if someone were to witness a person about to drink poison, they would simply run over and prevent them from drinking it; they wouldn’t drink it themselves, though.

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