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Truthteller's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Truthteller's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I'm looking into that if that's true its bullshit there now way a person from any country should vote in our system

1 point

That's stupid illegals can't vote unless ur system is flawed like ur work ethic that's why people still use illegal immigrants for work becuase Americans won't step up and do those jobs so stop crying

1 point

Let me clarify I like America I don't like racists that want to blame there problems on someone else the real problem is government and how they run the country this country has been taken over by diversity of different races and cultures and it will never go back the sooner u know this the better u will b but Canada does have free health care maybe some day;)

1 point

Yea alote of them just come for work and then leave they don't care about staying here but not all I'm american born raised here and I don't like Americans there to arrgont when there actually not as bright as they think they are not all just mostly the racist ones

1 point

Todays Americans aren't so nice to each other more people hate Americans than illegal aliens

1 point

No there not majority are just trying to make a living they don't try to abuse the system America offers medical help if they didn't they wouldn't use it .and I hear people cry about there taking our jobs I wouldn't work the jobs they do most Americans won't but they wanna cry about it they say aliens are bringing crime to u.s drugs and money bring crime blame all ur star athletes and ur movie stars that make using drugs popular that's what makes crime this country was built on immigrants and was from so called immigrants

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