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1 point

I understand that. I'm simply comparison g the two in order to make my point.

1 point

But compared to the middle east...................................

1 point

Then that would refute your previous claim as there has been a cease fire in effect in northern Ireland for the last decade.

1 point

But that implies that it's being judged relative to the rest of Europe which doesn't have a lot of terrorism to begin with so being the "terrorist capitol of Europe" doesn't really mean much.

1 point

No that would be the middle east. Given that there are way more terrorists there than in northern Ireland.

1 point

That might work if he has ADD XD -----------------------------------

1 point

I do have a permit. And if some one pulls a gun on you then here's what you do move your hand to your waist slowly like your getting your wallet (tell the bad guy your getting your wallet) then with your non-shooting hand quickly knock his gun away from your face and take a step to the side away from his gun simotanisly drawing your gun and putting it in his face. It works the last thing mister bandit is expecting is for you to fight back he won't see it coming.

And yes unfortunately the world has come to a that the world is a dangerous place with dangerous people. Sorry but it is.

1 point

Many gun owners go armed during the day it's called concealed carry if you come home and your being robbed that gun that at night is in your night stand (incase someone breaks in) is now on your hip and fully loaded (handy little thing isn't it)

And secondly of course I need a gun I go into town occasionally for trips to the store what if someone try's to mug me in the parking lot? The fact is you never know what's going to happen its best to be prepared for every thing you know expect the unexpected a gun is one of those things that its better to have and not need then need and not have.

1 point

Well first of all it doesn't take long at all to get a gun out of a safe if you have memorized the combination or use a key lock it won't take more that a few seconds. Many people also keep a pistol in their night stand

Secondly I have not had to use any of my fire arms in self defense yet (thankfully) but that could be because I live in an area that is sparsely populated that therefor doesn't have a lot of crime but I stay armed just incase.

1 point

I've heard personal story's. to be honest I haven't bothered to look up any study's I'm mostly concerned with fighting gun control. But I'll see what I can find and get back to you.

1 point

Yes you need a gun because the police can't teleport to you. When someone is in your house or in your face its to late to call 911. Look I love cops the vast majority of them are good honest people but they aren't supper heroes your safety is your responsibility.

1 point

It doesn't have anywhere near the mortality rate of abortion.

1 point

So killing infants and placing ones self in great physical and mental danger should be a right but defending ones home and loved ones should not? Get real.

And adoption may cause some guilt but it is nowhere near as dangerous as abortion.

1 point

Your missing my point. Abortions have been linked to way more medical and mental complications than birth. Off the top of my head I can name organ failure, infection, internal bleeding, future misscarieges, I've already mentioned depression and suicide, but there's also guilt (often leading to suicide), difficulty connecting with any childer the mother may have or will have later on. And how is haveing the baby worse? If you don't want it or can't care for it then put it up for adoption simple as that. My point being abortions are dangerous and unnessisary and un like guns abortions are not a right.

1 point

Well you know abortions are dangerous they can cause health problems in the women as well as depression often leading to suicide. I've heard it said that every abortion results in a death and some result in two. Abortions are harmful bottom line

1 point

100% pure truth. I know not every democrat is like this but most of them are so this is the mental picture most non-liberals have of them. It's a general truth.

1 point

The green house effect is still not proven its not an excepted scientific fact because it cannot be tested. There are plenty of other scientists that say its a natural event and have plenty of data to support their claim. That being said I support developing alternate forms of energy especially renewable energy as it would create jobs lower energy costs and for those who can afford sun panels energy self sufficiency. And it creates new industry which is exactly what my country needs right now.

1 point

Yeah like remember when they said global warming was caused by carbon emissions?

1 point

Junieor year in high school I did a report about how global warming was actually natural and its caused by a climate sycle thet the earth moves through and supported my theory by highlighting several times through out history when the earth hit these so called "record highs" and then cooled back down again. So if what your saying is true then both history and science refute global warming.

1 point

Hmmm that's true I forgot about the ice king and Susan strong were humans or at least I forgot to mention that. But that only make 3 humans where would the others be?

1 point

Well I don't want to ruin it but ill tell you what is sort of obvious even at face value. OOO is a magical land that's all happy and colorful but technically its post apocalyptic you see the story goes that a thousand years before the first episode the humans went extinct due to a nuclear holocaust called the mushroom war. And fin is the last human even though he's a 12 year old boy who must have been born a thousand years ago there are many theory's about this. In the episode that explains how jake's (the dog) parents found fin he was on a leaf in a puddle of water prompting jake to believe fin came from a cabbage patch as that is un doubtable how his parents explained it to him at that time (he was only a puppy) this leads many to theorize fin was frozen.

2 points

Yeah that's part of the happy dark element also that all the candy people are technically mutants. It's like a happy none creepy version of salad fingers.

1 point

Here is the link this guy explains it a bit clearer than I can. If your still interested in the show.

2 points

Adventure Time is a show on Cartoon Network that at first glance looks like any other kids cartoon but as you learn more about the story and the history of the world the show is set in called OOO you find it's actually quite dark and depressing so you have a happy show about a boy (the last human) and his intelligent sentient shape shifting dog going on adventures and meeting weird and cartoony characters and everything on the surface is happy and childish but as you learn more and more about the plot you find out how deep the show actually is. If you can look past the kid dish stuff you'll find a really good and strangely addicting show. Ill link a video explaining this better in a little bit can't now though

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