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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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WTF? I mean, really, WTF?
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 WTF? (3)
 I mean, really, WTF? (4)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

10 to 1 you ain't never seen shit like this before.


Side Score: 3

I mean, really, WTF?

Side Score: 4

little people like this little person give little people a bad name ;)

Side: WTF?
1 point

You shouldn't have posted this, it was meant to stay in Vegas.

Side: I mean, really, WTF?

Shit got out, man ;)

Side: I mean, really, WTF?
1 point

What was he strung out on?

Side: I mean, really, WTF?

He wasn't high... he's actually quite low... to the ground ;)

Side: I mean, really, WTF?
DrawFour(2662) Disputed
1 point

False dichotomy, I did not use the term 'high' I used the term 'strung out'.

Also, the video proves that at least at one point he was high. Higher off the ground even that the officer if I'm remembering correctly, when he climbed the pole.

Check and mate.

Side: WTF?