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 A compilation on how to mess with kids (4)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

A compilation on how to mess with kids


When I get my first grand child, I'm going to have him read the Harry Potter series and convince him that he's a wizard too and that he'll receive his first Hogwarts letter when he turns eleven.. Then, on his eleventh birthday, he'll check the mail and find the letter (written by me, of course) and in the fall, I'll take him to King's Cross and point him towards platforms 9 and 10, and not say a word as he runs into the pillar ;)

What will you do?

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I'll video tape the whole thing and post it. Although..., my daughters may warn him. They have already threatened not to have any kids in order to spare them the childhood they have had to endure. ;)

2 points

Sorry, Harry Potter? Is this the new Leif Garrett or something?

2 points

Your poor children XD And future grandchildren.

I can only imagine what you've put your children through, once you're a grandpa I'd imagine you'd have more time to mess with the kids.

I like it when some smart ass little kid comes up to me and proudly proclaims that he/she knows where babies come from and then they proceed to tell me. When they're done I'm like..., "Looks like you have it all figured out. Except for one thing." and they're like, "Oh, yeah? What?" and I'm like..., "Well..., you seem to know where babies come out of but..., how'd they get in there in the first place?" Then they open their mouth wide, their little brains processing, and then they usually just turn around and walk away ;)