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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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I'm giving them both up. Can't, I'm lactose intolerant.
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 I'm giving them both up. (2)
 Can't, I'm lactose intolerant. (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Alcohol does not solve problems - give up drinking alcohol

Neither does milk

and you don't see me giving that up.

I'm giving them both up.

Side Score: 2

Can't, I'm lactose intolerant.

Side Score: 3

I don't drink either soooo.............

Side: I'm giving them both up.

I gave up drinking after what happened the last week of school... ah, good times, good times.

Side: I'm giving them both up.

I have to drink something, even if it doesn't solve my problems ;)

Side: Can't, I'm lactose intolerant.
1 point

Alcohol- the cause of and solution to all life's problems.

Plus alcohol does solve problems. It disinfects medical equipment; and brother my liver is fucking spotless. Seriously you could do a liver transplant with my liver.

Speaking of which, any generous person out there with AB blood-type should send me a message about an opportunity to make 150 bucks.

Side: Can't, I'm lactose intolerant.
1 point

What exactly would be a beneficial solution? Any path you decide to take to solve a problem will always be a journey, but the journey itself is irrelevant. The solutions you receive from any journey will always have a different solution from one another. Who's to know which way is best, but in my opinion, as long as you move forward and survive day to day then all else is irrelevant you succeeded just by moving forward into the next day.

Side: Can't, I'm lactose intolerant.