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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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OMG, you have no idea. Not really, no.
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 OMG, you have no idea. (3)
 Not really, no. (3)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Are Germans an angry group of people?

OMG, you have no idea.

Side Score: 3

Not really, no.

Side Score: 3

I used to be married to one ;)

Side: OMG, you have no idea.
1 point

I would say competetive..! A very competitive people..! They're much like the Americans actually, in their own special way....! I mean, you don't start two world wars for nothing.. Nah buit I like the Germans, they're one of my favorite peoples. Along with tyhe French, Russians and Canadians.

Side: OMG, you have no idea.
1 point

He didn't seem so angry on the last one. Maybe it is because he didn't get to drink any of that beer for so long. I can see sober Germans being angry. :)

Side: Not really, no.
1 point

Nein, and don't be such a Deutsche! Just kiddin', you can be one if you want, LOL! :))

Mine Furor :))
Side: Not really, no.
1 point

Some of the pronunciation was off, like the umlauts were completely ignored. Schmetterling is a cute word, anyway. Germans really don't sound like that!

Side: Not really, no.
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Krankenwagen is enough to show you are wrong. ;) There is no nice way to say that.

Side: OMG, you have no idea.