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True Wait..., what? No!
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 True (1)
 Wait..., what? No! (2)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Are Israeli Jews smarter than Indians (the dot Indians, not the feather Indians)


Of the 840 Nobel Prizes ever awarded, some 20 percent have gone to Jews. Israel, with its population of 7.5 million, has won the same number of Nobels as India, which was founded a year before Israel and has a population of 1.15 billion.


Side Score: 1

Wait..., what? No!

Side Score: 2

Although the numbers may be accurate, I would be remiss if I didn't point out that the publication referenced seems to be slanted towards Israeli Jews ;)

Side: True

Ya not the feather Indians cause we all know there pretty hard to find these, wonder why that is?

Side: Wait..., What? No!

Well...., if you're looking for them in Ireland...., you're doing it wrong ;)

Side: Wait..., What? No!