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Debate Score:5
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 Are fetuses pro-life? (4)

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Are fetuses pro-life?


This is a perspective debate

because there's no way to prove who's right.

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I can honestly say that I've never met a fetus that was pro-choice.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that fetuses must be predominantly pro-life ;)

there's no way to prove who's right.

But you know somebody will still try to, right. lol

1 point

No, as a fetus, if my mother wanted to abort me or give me up for adoption, I would rather not be born.

I'd rather not have to feel unwanted my whole life, or be raised by an uncaring, unloving mother.

If it's adoption vs being unloved vs aborted, I'd go with abortion.

Adoption is not so bad. You end up with parents that love you. I mean..., I wouldn't personally adopt you and love you..., but I'm sure someone out there would ;)