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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yes. There's this part where Nope. It's all pretty boring
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Yes. There's this part where (5)
 Nope. It's all pretty boring (1)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Are there any funny parts in the bible?

Yes. There's this part where

Side Score: 5

Nope. It's all pretty boring

Side Score: 1

I can so totally see an angel doing this ;)

Side: Yes. There's this part where
1 point

It depends on who is reading it, I personally may find a certain wording funny, but that's because I'm perverted and twist anything to a sexual innuendo. ;)

Side: Yes. There's this part where
1 point

I am like that too. Tee hee. ;)

Side: Yes. There's this part where
1 point

Yes. There was this dude who fell asleep while Paul was preaching and feel out of a window.

Side: Yes. There's this part where
1 point

Nope I don't think there are any funny parts in the Bible at all. That is my opinion on the Bible.

Side: Nope. It's all pretty boring
1 point

Not even the part where that one dude fell asleep and fell out of a window while Paul was preaching? Come on, even God has a sense of humor.

Side: Yes. There's this part where