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yeah nope
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 yeah (8)
 nope (3)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Are there varying degrees of gayness?

Can someone be more gay than another?  Can a closet gay say to a flaming queen, "You're so gay!"  And if so, is that a good thing?  How gay can someone be?

In Spanish, objects are assigned a gender.  For example, a chair is feminine but a couch is male.  Could one of these things be more gay than another.  Can you say, "That's so gay!"  and what is the determining factor?  Is this debate gay?  If so, how gay is it?

At what point in time did we find it necessary to specify levels of gayness and why?


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 3
2 points


A pink t-shirt is gay.

A pink Cardigan is even gayer.

And a pink Cardigan with a picture of a rainbow is gayest.

It's not always that simple though. For example an Eddie Bauer (sp I know, refuse to look it up) shirt is not necessarily gay, in fact it can be cool.

But if the person wearing it also has oakley's, designer jeans, is a rich white kid but talks like he's in a Jay-zee video,

Well, that's gayer than a pink Cartigan with a rainbow.

Side: Yeah

There must be varying levels of gayness because I hear it from school kids all the time, "that's so gay" They must be teaching it in schools. I mean, how else would they be able to judge when something has reached critical gayness mass? ;)

Side: Yeah
1 point

There is. And women can change which level they're on in a heart beat!

Side: Yeah
1 point

Hmmm it does all depend on what you think is gay or not.

For instance - me and most coloured friends think that going down on a girl is kind of gay (giving head is gay right? lol) but my white friend thinks its not. I guess in british and american cultures its ok for the man to be the bitch :P


Wearing the colour pink. Most guys don't wear it but lately it's become fashionable. One of the hardest guys in my area wore pink. A lot of us took the piss out of him for being gay, but he thought it was straight and sexy.

I would say he was BEING gay. But he wasn't gay. Just trying it. lol.

Side: Yeah
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

... I'm confused, a guy going down on a girl is "gay"

That's not gay, that's just good manners ._.

Side: NOPE
Kinda(1649) Disputed
1 point

lol. yeah. guess it's like a thank you kiss?

Or a low blow???!?!?!

mwuhahhahahhaaaaa that was funny.

Side: Yeah
pamina9(62) Disputed
1 point

Dude, don't believe all the stereotypes you hear. Not ALL (or even most) gay men are girly and flamboyant. Not all lesbian women are tough tomboys.

Side: NOPE
1 point

Gayness is simply a desire, a sexual desire for someone of the same sex. As with any desire it expresses it's self in many ways to varying degrees. It may be a simple longing in the heart that never takes action or as intense as marching in a parade and advocating for your cause. The reason for the varying degrees of expression lies within the human will; we want what we desire and we always act according to our strongest desire at any given moment. We are ultimately moral agents who choose to do or not to do the things we do; it's a choice we make based on what we want. So why the varying degrees? some people want it more than others because they value it more than others. And that's what moral agents do; they assign value and priority to things and make choices based on the value and priority assigned to those things. No one goes hard after something they find no value in; but what a tragedy to pursue something hard your whole life that you think is valuable only to find in the end that it was worthless. That is a wasted life. That's what saddens me the most about those who advocate the gay lifestyle; of all the causes to take up in this life they choose this one. How sad indeed.

Side: Yeah
1 point

Yes, there are, and it even has a name. The Kinsley Scale:

0- Exclusively heterosexual with no homosexual

1- Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual

2- Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual

3- Equally heterosexual and homosexual

4- Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual

5- Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual

6- Exclusively homosexual

Side: Yeah

So...., based on that scale, how gay are you? ; )

Side: Yeah

I haven't got the answers, which is why I'm asking... so help me out and set me straight. BTW can someone be set gay, and if so, how gay is that ;)

Side: NOPE