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Debate Info

For gentrification Against gentrification
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 For gentrification (2)
 Against gentrification (1)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Are you for or against gentrification (click for definition)


Gentrification is typically the result of investment in a community by local government, community activists, or business groups, and can often spur economic development, attract business, deter crime, and have other benefits to a communityOh yeah…, despite these potential benefits, urban gentrification often, intentionally or unintentionally, is generally believed to result in population migration as poor residents of a neighborhood are displaced by wealthier newcomers, though studies have shown this not necessarily to be the case.

For gentrification

Side Score: 2

Against gentrification

Side Score: 1

Sounds good to me ;)

Side: For gentrification

To find out more about Gentrification, let me google that for you.

Side: For gentrification

If we are going to go against gentrification then we will also have to go against liberalization (liberals moving into a conservative area and displacing conservatives). ;)

Side: Against gentrification