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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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True. Wait..., what? No!
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 True. (10)
 Wait..., what? No! (4)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

BurritoLunch is probably a good person but...

He hasn't taken the time to fill out hid profile, so we'll never know!


Side Score: 10

Wait..., what? No!

Side Score: 4

I think he's a good guy and I support him (even though I do not agree with his politics). I mean, in this particular election, people should try to bridge the gap between the two sides. Calling people names only widens the gap.

I try to not call people names. And when I pick on a particular group, the intent is to accentuate the hyperbole. The only way I have of signaling my intent is by adding a smiley ;)

Side: True.
1 point

I mean, in this particular election, people should try to bridge the gap between the two sides. Calling people names only widens the gap.

Joe, I think you are a good guy too, but you are delusional and you don't listen to reason. You should not be filling the gap between your centre right party and your far right party. You should be screaming at the stupidity of a political system which funds only two major parties, both of which represent the same broken, corrupt capitalist system.

As regards calling people names, then that is not an accurate translation of the reality that the experts are saying your president is copying the policies and rhetoric of Hitler. That is a lazy, intellectually ignorant attempt to sweep those expert opinions under the carpet and believe whatever you want despite the facts of the situation.

Side: Wait..., what? No!

It's not so much that I am delusional, it is that I don't worry about it until it is proven beyond doubt. But more important than that, I use logic.

Assuming Trump was a Nazi hell bent in killing..., who? Minorities? Whatever..., how far can he get? Well, let's see..., there are people far richer than Trump who can stop him (are they Nazis too?) There is also the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines who are sworn to defend America (are they Nazis too?) And then there are Republicans who don't all agree with Trump and the Democrats who also do not agree with Trump (are they Nazis too?) And there's the FBI, CIA, Police National Guard (are they Nazis too?) And there are judges that will have their jobs for life and are not accountable to the president (are they Nazis too?) And of course, the millions of Americans who have guns and don't all agree with Trump (are they Nazis too?).

I do not understand people who think and make decisions based on their feelings instead of actually articulating the problem.

I mean, the Nazi helmets were really good. They protect the neck. If experts stated that American soldiers are wearing replicas of the Nazi helmets, would that make them Nazis?

If trump is copying Nazi speech techniques..., so what? As long as he isn't rounding up people and having them killed..., who cares? What if he was using those techniques in order to improve the economy?

What exactly is it that you are afraid Trump is going to do?

And, BTW, I would be remiss if I didn't point out that you still have not given me your definition of what it means to be a Nazi. Is it the ability to give a good speech? Or reading anything to do with Nazis?

I am well aware that the rest of the world can spot an American in their country because Americans are always smiling. Almost to the point of coming across as lunatics. They can't understand why we are so happy and optimistic. And the reason is because no matter what..., we'll figure it out ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!

He probably believes things are true just because they are on the internet. He shouldn't believe everything he thinks ;)

Side: True.
1 point

He probably believes things are true just because they are on the internet.

This is exactly what I mean when I say you are delusional. You live in a tiny American bubble in which you are spammed on an hourly basis with myths like, "America is the greatest country on Earth", "Everybody is jealous of America", "We are all free" etc... Since you have never set foot outside that bizarre little bubble you are blissfully unaware that the rest of the planet does not believe the same horseshit that you do. Far from it.

I mean, I literally linked ten different stories for you yesterday evening from various Holocaust survivors, historians and political scientists, all following the same theme in which Trump is compared to Hitler, and your response to that was to translate it into me calling Trump names.

The problem we have is one where there is an inverse square relationship between the intelligence of Americans and the confidence of Americans.

Side: Wait..., what? No!

Well, first of all, I wasn't born on the main land, I didn't live on the mainland until years later and I've been to more than few different countries and mingled with the locals.

As far as your links, you were looking for Nazis affirmation and you found what you were looking for. My interpretation of those article was different from yours. But libs are only tolerant of those that think like they do ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!

A little too preoccupied with Nazis ;)

Side: True.
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

One cannot be "too pre-occupied with Nazi's"! They are always lurking in the shadows! (Until Trump got the White House), now they're out in the open and cheering their new Fuehrer!

Disgusting dog shit that he is!

Side: True.
joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

Reminds me of that movie where the kid sees dead people. Except the libs see Nazis ;)

Side: True.
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