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Debate Score:72
Total Votes:74
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joecavalry(40163) pic

Can Apple destroy Samsung?


Side Score: 28


Side Score: 44

Samsung produces Apple clones for several years, they have ideas or concepts on they own. It's pathetic and unfair.

Side: Yes
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

I love how the Apple fan is illiterate. What exactly is the great thing that Apple invented?

Side: Nope

Rounded corners and slide-to-unlock ;)

Without those 2 "technological leaps," we would still be in the stone age ;)

Side: Nope
TheAshman(2299) Disputed
1 point

If Apple are so great they'd be manufacturing their own products instead they have to get people like Samsung to make their screens etc for them.

You say that Samsung copied Apple but the majority of Apple products are copied from someone elses product, sometimes improving on it sometimes not, then having a hissy fit because you think someone copied the thing you copied in the first place.

Side: Nope
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

Spreading production is common for majority companies, there is no reason why you should own the factory your product comes from.

Side: Yes

Hey..., even Steve Jobs said, "Apple is shameless about stealing ideas." So why do they complain? Bunch of hypocrites ;)

Side: Yes
1 point

I think iPad's are a little better than Samsung tablets. I've owned both but i think iPad's are a little better because it has a bigger screen and is a little easier to navigate through.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes, that is true, even their accessories like, ipay keyboard and ipad cases from .

Side: Yes
2 points

You have to be kidding me..

Here are some numbers:

Revenue US$ 148.944 billion

Profit US$ 12.059 billion (2011)

Total assets US$ 135.131 billion (2011)

Total equity US$ 84.744 billion

So if we consider the worst case scenario in that apple leaves taking say 9 billion and no new business is generated...

148.944 - 8 = 140.944 or a 5% loss....

Considering that after paying all the bills they had 12 billion left over i really doubt it will destroy the company.. its important to note that "semiconductors" are needed in every single electronic device we use today. There are plenty more fish who need parts.

Conclusion: Apple sucks as they always have and always will.....

Side: Nope

I hope not. I hate Apple ;)

Side: Nope
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
0 points

This is really dumb, ho can someone hate Apple? Does Apple owns you some money, have they robbed you or something?

Side: Yes

I hate their business model. Plus..., Apple fan boys tend to be annoying ;)

Side: Yes

Have they robbed me..., personally? No. I'm not they type who would buy a phone that needs to be held a certain way in order to get good reception. I am also not the type to upgrade my phone 6 months after the fact and end up with a phone that bends ;)

But hey..., Apple makes a great product (DAMN!!! The internet is in dire need of a sarcastic font ;)

Side: Yes

Apple only wishes that they could do half as good as Samsung, never bought one thing produced by Apple. I did receive a Apple product as a gift, I almost vomited.

Side: Nope

Nope since Apple is quite overrated and charges considerably more than Samsung.

Side: Nope
1 point

A billion dollars is nothing to these companies. Samsung managed to avoid a product ban, and that is the only thing that matters to them. Also, the patent situation has gotten out of hand. Whether or not Apple was justified in suing Samsung, software patents have gotten to the point where it is almost impossible to create a large piece of software without infringing on some company's patent. I believe that the patent office is going to need to step in at some point, and create better guidelines, so that companies cannot sue others as easily.

Side: Nope
1 point

No. I've owned both iPhone and Samsung and i found Samsung phones to be better but the iPhone is a little easier to navigate through though that might be because i've had an iPhone for about 2 years and a Samsung for about 3 months. in conclusion i've found Samsung phones to be the way here is just how creative iPhones models are compared to Samsung phones

Supporting Evidence: phone models (
Side: Nope

Samsung has a great phone and they have 4K TV sets. Samsung also has great audio products.

Side: Nope