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The gov fucks us all the time Fuck the government
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 The gov fucks us all the time (4)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

The gov fucks us all the time

Side Score: 4

Fuck the government

Side Score: 0

And if you are just two straight guys living together..., you are now a gay married couple ;)

Side: The gov fucks us all the time
joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

If you are in this situation and you voted for gay marriage..., ;)

Ah, the irony....

Side: The gov fucks us all the time
Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

I am bisexual, so either way, I have fun. ;)

Side: The gov fucks us all the time
1 point

So if it is multiple roommates in an apartment are they now committing an act of polygamy?

Side: The gov fucks us all the time
1 point

The regime in British Columbia is incompetent and this law will be repealed after the next election.

Side: The gov fucks us all the time
1 point

Hell yea! Now all I gotta do is just find some fine-ass chick to come into my house, get her to drink the good stuff, and tell her that this is where she will be living for now on. Let the government give us our marriage liscence and presto!

Screw America! British Columbia sounds like the shit!

Side: The gov fucks us all the time
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