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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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It can and it did... That's impossible because...
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 It can and it did... (3)
 That's impossible because... (1)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

Can this really happen to someone? Has it ever happened to you or someone you know?

It can and it did...

Side Score: 3

That's impossible because...

Side Score: 4

I don't think that picture is Photoshopped so I guess it could happen ;)

Side: It can and it did...

Lol I know someone who took a diarrhea on themselves by a complete accident but she may kill me of I tell......which is tempting me to tell.

Side: It can and it did...
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

lol I think that gives it away.

Side: It can and it did...

Lol it kinda does. Hopefully "she" won't see this post. If she does then you may not hear from me. Lol.

Side: It can and it did...
4 points

...I say so.

Lol, I don't think anyone can have that much waste in their body. I mean except for Prodigee....he's full of crap!

Side: That's impossible because...
TheTroll(36) Clarified
0 points


Side: It can and it did...