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 Did you name your member and if so, what did you name it? (4)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Did you name your member and if so, what did you name it?

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I named it the Dark Knight. Because he is tanned, even though he works mostly during the night. And also because it gives me a chance to say, "Oh look..., the Dark Night rises!!!" ;)

I named mine weapon Y.

There is no letter more masculine than that and weapon X is so last century.

I named mine stallion so I can ask girls if they want to go out to the stables to ride my stallion.

Are we naming our extra members? Like pets? My bird's name is flip. My plants dont have names yet or the worms I have in a tank.

Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

They are talking about penises honey. Edit your post, so no one makes fun of you. When a man talks about his member, he is talking about his penis.

joecavalry(40130) Clarified
2 points

Actually, I was talking about the new member to our family. ;)