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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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I'm sure they must. They are too busy.
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 I'm sure they must. (6)
 They are too busy. (5)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Do Russians have "In Capitalist 'Murica" jokes?

I'm sure they must.

Side Score: 6

They are too busy.

Side Score: 5

I just think that the Russians know their memes ;)

Side: I'm sure they must.

The Fed is the greatest banker robber of all time.-----------------------------------

Side: I'm sure they must.
1 point

In Capitalist America you break law, in Soviet Russia, law breaks you!

Side: I'm sure they must.
SovietSpy(709) Disputed
1 point

Was I the one that told you that Soviet Russia joke, Kozlov?

Side: They are too busy.
1 point

Yes, I borrowed it haha .

Side: They are too busy.
1 point

Ya the jokes kind of mixed with Soviet Russia jokes, so instead it is Capitalist America. Thank god for the internet.

Side: I'm sure they must.
1 point

I've got to admit that ones rather funny. But in soviet Russia TV watch you. ;)

Side: I'm sure they must.
1 point

If they existed, they would be the reverse of all the Soviet Russia jokes.

Side: I'm sure they must.
1 point

In Soviet Russia...

Joke makes you.

Side: They are too busy.