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Hell yeah! Wait..., what? No!
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:17
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 Hell yeah! (10)
 Wait..., what? No! (3)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Do hot looking girls have it easier than your average, everyday, looking girl?

Hell yeah!

Side Score: 12

Wait..., what? No!

Side Score: 4
2 points

Well you see your avergae 9/10 or 10/10 girl will float through life. Everybody's nice to her, people give her free stuff, go out of their way for her, everyone hangs on her every word. These girls live in a different world and whilst I hate to start making generalisations, I must agree with the opposing fact that once they hit 40, the looks are going downhill and indeed they have little or no merit (GENERALLY) and have coasted half of their life off of their looks and are now introduced to our world. The 7/10 and below.

Side: Hell Yeah!

So basically if you're a hot chic you should get it while the getting's good ;)

Side: Hell Yeah!

So there you go. If you watched the video you now know that if you're a chic, you better get yourself all dolled up...., sweet cheeks. Hey...., I didn't make the rules ;)

Side: Hell Yeah!
1 point

OMG...! I can't believe that actually worked. Alas... I never got anything for free!

Side: Hell Yeah!

Maybe you need a complete makeover? Sex change operation, etc. Just saying ;)

Side: Hell Yeah!
1 point

Thanks for the advice. Why didn't I come up with that? You just opened my long shut eyes.

Side: Hell Yeah!
1 point

People who have desirable qualities tend to be more favoured by society because of these qualities, whether it's education, wealth, social grace, moral rectitude, or good looks. It's no surprise that hot girls do better than their plainer counterparts, in the same way that it's no surprise to see university graduates leading more comfortable lives than school dropouts.

Side: Hell Yeah!
1 point

Oh I hate those ladies who use their beauty to lure people. But, it is a fact. Now, Liza... Live with it Honey!

Side: Hell Yeah!
1 point

In a word yes, but you're missing the point; the point is that they do have it easier for half of their life but are then plunged into reality when they stop 'getting it whilst they can'

Side: Hell Yeah!
2 points

Both sides in this argument are fairly absurd! Which is why I won't take either. HA!

But I will make this point: extremely attractive people, in general, have less skill and talent then everyday looking attractive people. People who are very pretty or handsome grow up knowing that, going through highschool idealized for their looks. Then once they grow up, they realize around age 40 that they have been a useless douche all their lives, and now that they're 40, all they are is a married person with an equally attractive but douchy spouse.

If you look at it that way, then no, hot women do not have it better then everyday women, because everyday girls have personality and skillful merit. Unless their male or lesbian college professors will let them pass a final at 49% with only a wink. But that's just a fantasy right there...

Side: Durp
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
2 points

extremely attractive people, in general, have less skill and talent then everyday looking attractive people

The reason why they are less skilled is BECAUSE they have it easier and they don't need to rely on developing practical skills.

Side: Hell yeah!

This really depends on the person and the situation.

I can't say that all hot (not beautiful) woman have it easier but most do.

I know woman in my school who has been praised but in my eyes, were not "hot" compared to those that i do consider hot.

I will say "most" but not all.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

Doesn't it really depend? Attractive girls are usually considered to be stupid, we see that quite often. But they usually have it easier socially. The "average" girls are usually taken a bit more serious, intellectually, but it's relatively difficult for them socially.

Side: Wait..., What? No!