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Yes Nah
Debate Score:34
Total Votes:35
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 Yes (6)
 Nah (14)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Do men have more fun than women


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 28

We even get to write our name in the snow ;)

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes we do. We get to go to work, and fix the car, and mow the lawn, and do home improvement; the list could go on and on....

Side: Yes
5 points

Have you ever played with boobs? Could you imagine having access to them 24/7?

Boobs are pretty fun. Just saying ;)

Side: Nah
GeneralLee(133) Disputed
1 point

But aren't you a girl? If I was a guy, that would make sense, but I don't see the sense in it if you are already a girl.

Side: Yes
Saurbaby(5502) Disputed
4 points

Girls play with their own boobs. It's a fact.

And I'm also bi.... Sooooo, yeah. It makes sense either way.

Side: Nah

You're racking up a lot of points with your rack.... comment ;)

Side: Nah
1 point

Lol, I didn't even notice the points until you said that. But catching up to Uncle Joe ;)

Side: Nah
2 points

I honestly wouldn't find playing "soccer" with my pee to be much fun. I prefer studying interesting material and learning (I will never like tests, though). I find that very fun. So I think it just depends on what you believe is fun.

Side: Nah

Test-grubbing are for pseudo-intellectuals.


Side: Nah
GeneralLee(133) Disputed
1 point

"I honestly wouldn't find playing "soccer" with my pee to be much fun."

Man, you have no clue what a good time is.

Side: Yes
1 point

From my point of view, both men and women has different ways of of entertainments. For example, men can play soccer, whereas girls can attend dance club. Besides, men prefer to play video games, whereas women can watch a love story movie and have a fun.

Side: Nah
GeneralLee(133) Disputed
1 point

"whereas women can watch a love story movie and have fun."

Yeah, love story movies are not fun at all. Especially Twilight. Even if you are a girl, if you like twilight, there's something wrong with you. I ain't accusing, I'm just saying......

Side: Yes