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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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The method has worked so far. Hell no!!!
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:18
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 The method has worked so far. (5)
 Hell no!!! (10)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Do we want companies like Monsato to monopolize the seed industry?

86% of corn, 88% of cotton, and 93% of soybeans farmed in the U.S. are now genetically-engineered (GE) varieties, making the option of farming non-GE crops increasingly difficult.

While agrichemical corporations also claim that their patented seeds are leading to environmental improvements, the report notes that upward of 26 percent more chemicals per acre were used on GE crops than on non-GE crops, according to USDA data.

Basically Monsato creates herbasides and seeds (crops) that are resistant to the herbaside.  The weeds have responded by becoming resistant to the herbaside themselves also.  So monsato has to come up with stronger herbasides and more resistant seeds.  These, "stronger herbasides" get sprayed on our food.  The question is,

Do we really want a company like Monsato controlling our food supply?

The method has worked so far.

Side Score: 5

Hell no!!!

Side Score: 13
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3 points

The idea that something like seeds can be seen as an industry is in and of itself a problem, the thought that it can be monopolized is outrageous. Seeds are essential to the well being of man, and monopolizing the seed industry is akin to monopolizing the water industry, or the air industry. It would make all of men far too dependent on one entity.

Side: Hell no!!!

I agree. But I always thought that it is stupid to pay a phone company for minutes you never used..., and yet, people seem more than happy to part with their money. I thought that it is stupid to trust the government, give up your rights, and let them take your guns away..., but people seem eager to surrender their rights for the illusion of safety.. ;)

Side: Hell no!!!
2 points

Monopolies are always bad, (unless they are run by the workers)

Side: Hell no!!!
1 point

If monopolies are always bad, why are you a die-hard supporter of government monopolies?

Side: The method has worked so far.
kozlov(1754) Disputed
1 point

Correction, I am a supporter of worker monopolies if you want to put it that way. I am a supporter of monopolies that operate for the good of the people, and not just for $$$

Side: Hell no!!!

Maybe Monsato's approach has allowed us to feed the world's population. But I don't think there ought to be so many people on this planet. Mainly because of I'm frustrated with rush hour traffic. ;) But also because, according to the scientists, having too many people leads to a hole in the ozone layer (although that seems to have fixed itself). Having too many people leads to Global Warming (although I'm cold right now). Having too many people leads to a lot of liberals. In short, having to many people leads to a plethora (a ship load) of problems.

Personally, I'm too old and too tired to care. I have no intention of living for ever and I kinda look forward to checking out of this hell hole ;) It's unfortunate that my kids will have to deal with this but I have faith that at least one of you youngsters out there will pull his pants up (over his ass) and turn the tide.

Side: Hell no!!!

i dont get it? wheres the joke joe?

Side: Hell no!!!

Read my argument and look for smileys ;)

Side: Hell no!!!