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Debate Info

Women manipulate men Men manipulate women
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 Women manipulate men (1)
 Men manipulate women (5)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Do women manipulate men with their boobs or do men manipulate women to show them

It's a well known and established fact that

women use their boobs to manipulate men.

It's a lesser known fact that

men enlisted the help of gay fashion designers

to make it nearly impossible for women to find clothes

that do not show case their boobs.

Men then manipulated the whole situation

so that women feel compeled to

show off their boobs.

Men have conspired to give in to

only the "small" demands

made by women with a nice rack.

This gives women the illusion of power.

But the sham is quickly revealed

when a woman makes a "big" demand.

Even Dolly Parton

can't walk into a car dealer topless

and demand a free car.

Well..., maybe a Daihatsu Dealership ;)

Women manipulate men

Side Score: 2

Men manipulate women

Side Score: 6

It is like the chicken and the egg question. I will use the classic example of a cop pulling over a female driver. Typically, the woman can use her charmto get away with no ticket, so there is manipulation on her part. On the other hand, the police somewhat encourage this behavior by allowing this trick to continue on.

So, woman will use their charm to get they way, and men will purposely get themselves in the situation where a woman would manipulate them, thus manipulating the women in turn.

Side: Women manipulate men
1 point

The Chicken cme first, wait.... everything i know is a lie!!!!

Side: Men manipulate women

The battle of the sexes rages on ;)

Side: Men manipulate women

Since women own their own boobs, men manipulate then to show them, what once was private is now public.

Side: Men manipulate women

if you pay for a woman's boob job, can you play with them whenever you want? ;)

Side: Men manipulate women

I don't see why not.----------------------------------------

Side: Men manipulate women